The Most Annoying Cards

Hey, y’all! I’ve been playing this morning, and have run into a few unpleasant scenarios. I have been thinking, and wanted to ask everyone here: what do you feel are the most annoying / frustrating cards to have played against you?

For starters, for me, these two cards stand out.

Legendary · Minion · TITANS · Titan After this uses an ability, cast two random spells.

Steamcleaner, but not for the reason you think

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I actually hated the original reno more than the current. In recent times when first released that damn hollow hound in hunter decks was quite triggering to me lol… edit: i forgot about spreading plague. Back in 2017 i could not stand druids… or 2 years ago blood dk soul stealer or whatever its called the 8 mana board eater

Threads of despair is in my list, one mana by by board.

Yogg can be dealt with. The new Brann is completely stupid.

Any overbearing permanent effect.

I also hate Steamcleaner more than any other single card. It just ruins so many fun things in wild

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Obviously double battlecry quest and Shudderwock, double battlecry card for Warrior, Mage Warp Time

Theotar seems to always grabs my best card that I was gonna have the mana to play next turn.

Yogg is fine in its new form IMO. Reno just needs to be deactivated as playable from the beginning of the game if your deck isn’t highlander. The card has a higher play rate in decks that aren’t highlander.


I’m surprised we haven’t seen Renathal mentioned yet.

I agree in that I don’t think it’s OP - only annoying at times. :grin:

One of the most annoying cards to me is Boomboss Tho’grun and the stupid TNT cards he adds to your deck.

By himself he wouldn’t be so bad but with Bran and reshuffle cards its super annoying having your battlefield hand and deck being deleted.


Yes. As someone who hat uses Wheel of Death (I’m a warlock player, sorry), those TNT’s are devastating. And annoying.

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If your deck is greatly effected by this card then it’s doing its job. It’s meant to be a built in counter to other control/value decks.

Usual suspects: Zarimi, Wheel of Death and Brann. Honirable mwntion goes to Tendrils.

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American Express.

I have no Hearthstone cards to add. And I despise threads like this. I’d be embarrassed if a Hearthstone card annoyed me.

For sure this card should be give this effect to Friendly minions. Because otherwise it punishes people for playing board.

Qlso it’s extremely hard to play around as not going wide will be very bad against 4 rushers with poison or reska.

Do you mean to say nothing tilts you? Apparently you just don’t care if you win or lose, and have no competitive ambition! :wink:

Maybe annoyed’s the wrong word. Sometimes in a match, when a card is played, it rubs me the wrong way. It’s not that I’m emotionally reactive as much as “awe shucks”, like if I over extend and my board is wiped (or wiped multiple times in a row).

But, indeed, now I’m entirely embarrassed. Please, don’t look at me! :face_with_peeking_eye:

Edit: that’s it. I’m finally going to figure out how to turn off my phone’s auto correct.

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I think being annoyed or feeling tilted or frustrated in a competitive scenario is entirely normal. I think Scrots was just trying too hard to sound cool there lol

Edit: I do agree Amex is by far the most annoying card.


I agree that it’s probably normal. I’m not sure I’d consider this a competitive scenario. I know there’s rankings, but unless you’re at the top somewhere, there’s really nothing on the line. No?

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