The Most Annoying Cards

There isn’t, but it’s still a competition and most of us like to win. It’s like playing football with friends. The outcome doesn’t really matter but you’re still going to be cocky about the win in the post-match drinks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not everyone is the same tho, so depends!

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That’s true. I said elsewhere, but it’s learned behavior for me. Growing up, I was addicted to RuneScape (bad, really bad), and especially “PKing” (PvP). While I was very good, I was also very prone to tilting because I was so emotionally invested. After breaking that addiction, I eventually learned (at least in gaming) not to allow myself to feel like that. It’s not that I don’t like winning, but can’t allow myself to feel anger/tilted/triggered when I lose.

Perhaps this is an unusual circumstance, but yeah.

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The closest a card gets to annoying me is when it’s design is off in some way. I don’t mean anything involving gameplay feels by this. For example, Reno Lone Ranger is flavor wise about 1v1 showdowns (even has the “it’s high noon” in the text box) but it’s not a symmetrical effect, that bugs me slightly. And if you were annoyed with the way Wheel of Death used to count turns, you have my permission not to be embarrassed for that.

And I’m not saying that I never tilt. Of course I tilt. I didn’t say that I’m never annoyed, I said I am embarrassed to be annoyed. When I tilt I have the sense to realize it’s my own fault, and I have the decency not to point the finger at whatever tilted me. I don’t know whether it was Kill’s intent or not, but these threads always end up implicitly justifying tilt, not merely acknowledging that tilt happens.