I just played a match I’m at rank legend of 14894 and it just paired with someone at diamond. What’s wrong with MMR system when it’s paired with low players and high rank I can go.
You’re the best Diamond in Legend
Or the worst Legend in Diamond
Pick your poison.
No feel bad because I should be playing other legend player not lower players. They should have chance fight for legend not face high player like me and be kill in 5 turns.
There’s a thin line apparently between dumpster legend and Diamond this late in the season.
Although it could have been a legend player with 10 bonus stars who just decided to hit legend late in the month (cuz it’s not his main server or something)
Might not even be a legit Diamond. In fact, according to the new MMR changes, it probably isn’t a legit Diamond.
Matching is by MMR, not rank. Rank is irrelevant for determining your opponent
I don’t show up Diamond on the HSreply deck tracker and legend number show same am now. So on longer base on rank anymore.
There’s nothing wrong. That player had a similar performance with you simple as.
I’d like to always see only the MMR and nothing else.
14000 Legend isn’t high
If i ever was in the 15k legend range i would do everything i could to keep it under wraps…
The game system either has you in such poor standing overall to place you that low or you tanked your rank by playing meme decks in Legend.
If you try to have enough fun in legend (read try bad decks) and lose enough you can actually be placed against silver when you’re in legend.
Id imagine due to the legend ‘floor’ you’re now a fake legend and if there was no rank floors you would be back in diamond.
That’s a psychological problem (not an advice). Besides it depends on how much you play. If you go Legend late in the month with 100% win rate you still only get ~10K.
Again this is just not true i have gotten realy late Legends climbs done and i have never seen any rank on the 5 digits.
Late Legend climbs are around 7/8k , like i said its also possible he tanked his ranked to the dumpster in Legend playing the meme decks.
But if so dont talk about “high player” yikes, anyone in that range is no better than anyone at Diamond 5.
Reread the statement, sir.
Late Legend climbs are around 7/8k , like i said its also possible he tanked his ranked to the dumpster in Legend playing the meme decks.
… you play the same people all month now so when you climb doesn’t really matter. You win, they win, you keep matching them all month long regardless of your rank.
I just played a match I’m at rank legend of 14894 and it just paired with someone at diamond. What’s wrong with MMR system when it’s paired with low players and high rank I can go.
All it means is that if that person were in legend, they would be at around 14894 legend.
The game doesn’t care if you haven’t won enough games to be in legend yet, you are matched based on your MMR, and your legend rank is based on your current MMR.
Honestly I don’t know why they don’t just show us the MMR number now that the star ranking is nothing but a win counter for the month and has absolutely nothing to do with where you will be in legend once you finish.
Your MMR does not reset from month to month. If you were top 100, and waited until the 30th of the month to get your games in and climb back into legend, you’d still be top 100. (assuming you went at least 50:50 on the way up there)
Literally all legend means now is that you won 16 times more than you lost after getting to D5 over the course of the month. (and not even that if you had the 11 star bonus)
I just played a match I’m at rank legend of 14894 and it just paired with someone at diamond. What’s wrong with MMR system when it’s paired with low players and high rank I can go.
Dis you?
(topic deleted by author)
Late Legend climbs are around 7/8k
Just hit legend today, 8543, does that mean I hit legend late?
does that mean I hit legend late?
That, or it means watermelons are on sale next week.
Just hit legend today, 8543, does that mean I hit legend late
Thats about around what i expect to see when you hit legend late in the month.
If the system deems you worthy of only 15K in rank you cant be suprised the matchmaking is giving you matchs against Diamond players.
That seems to be the whole crux of this topic, the OP is on the lower ranks of Legend and yet thinks himself above playing a match against a Diamond player.
Reread the statement
Is this a joke? No offense.
Edit; I’m asking because the word “high” was used