The MMR system mess up

I think it was. Either way, i thought it was pretty funny. But I’m also high player right now

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That’d do it.


It’s not based on that. It’s just your current MMR rank.

The game hides your MMR, but your legend ranking is based on where your MMR compares to others in legend.

That’s why if you get to legend day 1, you might be in the top few hundred, but as time passes you naturally get pushed downward as higher MMR players enter legend. Day 1 there just weren’t many legend players to compare to.

Monsterparty got legend before me this month, I still entered legend at a much better ranking than 14k.

Someone like Altair taking a break from the game for a few weeks would still be entering legend in the top 1k this late in the month because his MMR is quite high.

Well duh that is obvious, number of players at the end of the month that reach Legend in EU and US servers is around 20k .

If he is landing on 15K when he reaches Legend that just means he ranks at the bottom, why i said i never saw any numbers in the 5 digits regardless of how late i do a climb.

The game is matching him with people in Diamond because thats what he should be playing .

Man, the more you post the more your other posts start to make sense. :rofl:

You are matched purely on your MMR. So if you are Legend, and you are facing Diamond players, your MMR says you should be in Diamond normally OR that your opponent should be in Legend normally.

Since this is your first Legend, the first one is likely the true one.

But just keep winning and you’ll face other Legend players more consistently.

You can be Bronze 10 and face Legend players. In fact, that’s exactly what I’m playing against when I start a new season.

It’s not even really that…

Up until yesterday people at 10-7k legend were facing me “in diamond.”

The star ranks are just utterly meaningless now. The worse your MMR, the easier your climb to legend is as you no longer have the brick wall of D5-D1 where actual legend players that fell just short of the 11 star bonus might still be lurking.

That’s why it used to get easier to get legend near the end of the month, as the higher skilled people would rank out of your matchmaking pool. Now it’s uniform.

Legend ranks no longer really mean you broke a skill barrier, it just means that at your skill level, you eventually went +16 games. You can be a god awful player and hit legend now as the game will never ask you to face a good opponent to get there as it knows you are bad.

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I think we’re saying the same thing. The stars don’t mean anything anymore, only bonus stars do for how fast you go up.

Since we are matched only on MMR now, whatever your opponent is matches your MMR.

So if I am in Bronze 10 and facing a Legend player at 5k, that means both of our MMRs are equal or close.
This means 1 of 2 things. Either that Legend player’s MMR matches those of Bronze 10 players normally, or that my MMR matches that Legend player’s MMR normally.

If you are Legend 10k and seeing players in Diamond 2, it means that Legend player’s MMR matches players in Diamond 2 normally, or that Diamond 2 player’s MMR matches those people in 10K Legend area.

This is assuming both players have reached their MMR normal rank by the end of the month.

This is why you can be a Legend player normally and see players in Diamond every once in awhile (these Diamond players have Legend MMR but haven’t gotten there yet). BUT, if you are seeing nothing but Diamond players, you know what the answer is - your MMR matches Diamond players.

So, Monsterparty can get to Legend 15k and see Diamond players. Yet when I get to Legend 15k, I’m only seeing Legend players. This would mean I’m playing against people in my MMR area (Legend) and Monster is seeing players in their MMR area (Diamond) and we won’t see each other until I lose more or he wins more.

I wish they’d just scrap the star ranks entirely at this point and just have a seasonal win counter for the chest.

All it does now is cause threads like these where people are like “but diamond and legend aren’t the same!”


I wish they would just do what League of Legends does.

They put you in a bracket like Bronze, but you’re in a sub-bracket of that and you battle within those players to move up.

It’s similar to how it works now in HS, but it’s much more fun imo.

So you are in Bronze and you see a list of like 50 other players in your Bronze Bracket. You have to do better than most of those players to move up to Silver, but you know who those players are (generally) and you have a better chance of facing them. When you move up a bracket, you get a whole new set of players.

I dunno, I kind of like it personally.

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It was, yeah.

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OK 8K so what. And I don’t think there’s ever reason to bully people for their rank.

They may have circumstances that you don’t understand.

My dear no one is doing so , i did offer critic because the 1 time legend player now thinks himself above playing a match against a Diamond player over being a “high player”.

15k is dumpster Legend rank no matter your

Math is a cruel mistress that cares not for your feelings.

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In the previous season I got to legend for the first time and I did it in the last day of the season (July 31st). I got rank 4968.

Damn bro! That was a nicee highrolling streak xDD

And then when you hit legend, you lost 20 out of your next 25 games?

No, I didn’t play any more games after that because it was already close to the season reset.

That’s just bullying. You seem to find joy in laughing at others for their misfortune.

Did it ever occur to you that some “bad players” may have mental disabilities?

My sweet summer child the only promise of joy that could warm this cold black heart is in the hands of the OP.
All needs to be done is him staying true to his word of departing.

But alas he keeps breaking whats left of my poor heart, every time he makes another “i quit forever” post and doesnt another bleeding piece shatters into the void.

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