The matching mechanism

Why am I playing eight games and six druids? Match the druid and deduct me a star directly. I don’t want to spend time betting on a victory that has no probability of 10%. I can’t win a game in 10 games. Why can I be “equal” with the druids? I can’t find a way to win except to pray for him to drop the line.

And can you not play against a profession too often? I played dk every day last season, and I played druid every day this season. Who will I meet next time I change the card group?

Do you not understand the definition of “popular”?

I agree the matchmaking has been horrible for last two seasons in bronze -diamond. It makes no sense why there is no variety in match ups. It comes from lack of balance forcing everyone to play the same deck instead of having classes balanced and be able to play the class they enjoy. :disappointed: