The joy of endless matches!

Prince Bumf…err, Renthal has done few favors to a bloated game. 40 cards of roping, nearly half hour games. Decks and decks of fatted, overpowered lengendaries, long play strategies and card theft.

The latter meaning you have a long string of mopes who have no idea how to use class-specific cards, so they dither over how to best play them………and the game becomes a never-ending grind.

Have enjoyed hearthstone for several years, even tossed away more than a few bux on it, but I generally have about fifteen minutes a pop to play this thing while working, and the bloated, fat-laden games are just too long for a quick blast of fun.

Nothin’ else.

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Nothing forces you to play those matches. You can always concede.

man i am a jerk


deleted my reply

anyway there are plenty of OTK decks and aggro decks in wild still

And frequently do. In fact, just did. Playing a priest. The very class dedicated to the theft of cards they rarely know how to use. 40 fatty cards and whatever else they can lard from my deck. Which, of course, they rarely seem to “get” the overload function….

But, hey…enjoyment be damned, I reckon. Warcraft did come around to a “classic” version to satisfy the geekers who preferred a particular setting, perhaps something similar would work here. Expansion specific, perhaps?

Then you are smarter then most and I aplaud you.

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I hate short 5 turn matches. Play marvel snaps for the 1 min games.

I still think its crazy they made a card that gives advantages over standard 30 card decks. 40 card decks should have their own category of play.

40 card decks should not be matched with 30 card decks and vice versa. Unfortunately the devs don’t seem to have a clue.

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I play a 30 card attrition deck with a bunch of discovery cards, it’s not been an issue, I actually think the 40 card deck is a hinderance if you’re up against a OTK deck.

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Solution: Don’t play Wild.

Seriously, I only play Wild at a low MMR where everyone plays homebrew decks; otherwise, I can’t enjoy the format. If you can’t handle the chaos of all cards being available, you’re either playing the wrong format or playing at too high a level.

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I’ve played wild almost exclusively for better than six years. Been to legend there (for whatever that’s worth) with a good few decks. Don’t spend time in the forums with any real complaints, been fairly happy with the game until the last year or so.

Some of what you say has merit, sure. But the card introductions over the last year have a real “jump the shark” feel about them with basic game mechanics.

The ridiculous quip from the rube above about 1 min games aside, hearthstone does feel a bit fatty now.

Anyway, perhaps I’ll put it down for a bit and come back a little later. Might seem fresh after an interval of time.