The Hero Card For Mage Should Have Cost Reduction?

It is only me or the card cost too much for all the stuff other classes have? Especially warlock.

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5 manas will be an excelent spot.

You play the fire spell for 1 mana, draw and barrier in turn 3 and 4 in any order and then play the hero with a hero power upgraded, shield more 8 damage and draw more cards.

For 8 manas the only reasonable setup is the shadow spell giving 10 damage but I feel that spell is useless most of the time with the massive board the majority of the classes can build at that point, especially paladin.

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the hero power does not upgrade, even if the battlecry does play wildfire currently. That´s what makes it so sad.

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Yes, upgrade, from 1 to 2 and to infinite if the game goes on, the hard part is reach turn 8 before aggro kill you or you don’t die one turn after for the zillions OTK decks avaiable.

no, the card plays wildfire, then it overwrites it with it´s own heropower. So you start with 1dmg on the hero no matter what you do. Sure it scales from there if you somehow make it…

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Wow. O-o

I have this feeling the upgrade works for me one time but I probably wrong because I try many games to work but in the majority of them I not able to play the card, win or lose before that.

The 8/8 give 10 damage to all is a completely diferent story, that is 8 manas well spend.

That’s terrible. That should be changed.

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the heros card need a deck built around it. Its a defensive card, not proactive. It can cast ice barrier, mask of c’thun and fire sale on curve more often than not . So 15 mana worth of spells + maybe an arcane overflow if you run it, or a arcane intellect.

Problem being, wrecking the board and building armor doesn’t win you the game in this meta; If there were more ‘‘deal x damage to the opponent card’’ it could be a real win condition. At the moment its more of a defensive , value oriented tool.

Like almost all the heroes card by the way. Cariel doesn’t win you the game by herself. Nor does Tavish or Tamsin. Its more of a mage general issue than a hero card issue.

Agree, but really need to cost 8 manas after a setup when the warlock hero cost only 6 and not need a setup at all with massive effect regardless of anything?


that’s a good point.

If don’t buff the card a least nerf the warlock hero to 8 manas.

The HP is a real disappointment as they deliberately wrote it to not interact with WF.
And yeah, seven mana is spendy.

I think the concept of HP mage is a really unpopular one, it’s just an outlier that here on the forums a few people want to play it.

I believe it might be more popular than you say. I have watched several
Twitch streamers run variations of it.
I think if it were stronger then it might be very popular.

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face it, Mage got low balled on a few cards including the Hero card. Not all cards will work in decks and that goes with the other classes.

You cant nerf this card back to health so just shelve it and hope for the best in the next expansion.

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I think the card is a slap in the face to Mage players.