Hot Take - make the Mage hero Cost 3 and it´s still Trash

just what it says, only reason to play it would be to get started with wildfire asap, but alas it doesn´t work.

So the only decent effect is repeating expensive spells, which you can´t do anyway turn 3, 4, 5,6,7…

Just compare it to most other heroes that are just allowed to be good by themselves, especially Rogue, Warlock, Paladin that are just great boardclears+strong hero power for the same or less costs with no precondition.


Team 5 hates mage. The hero card is a joke.


The hero card is weak, yes, but it would be wayyyyy too good at 3 mana.


In the last expansion there were quests better than other (mage > paladin), in this expansion by chance it’s the opposite (paladin > mage).

Mage hero doesn’t seem that bad: it costs a bit too much for what it does, compared to Xirella or Shaman (other 8 cost hero); maybe it will be useful for something in the future?

Compare hunter and warlock: hunter hero is way less powerful than tamsin, it doesn’t make sense to make its heropower 3 mana (expecially when it’s the first heropower to cost that much and isn’t that special).

They probably looked at a bigger picture that we don’t see yet, or they decided to make some heroes weaker for balance purposes

I don’t usually get by School Spell by Magister. Is it only Scholomance spells.

i promise you it woudl still not see play outside big spell mage. The effect is just terrible and the hero power upgrade barely worth it. i don´t know what they were thinking.

…don’t underestimate the power of “gain 5 armor and upgrade your hero power”


What’s people hard on for saying X card in mage is bad but could be useful in the future?

We aren’t in the 1 year from now meta dude. Also, it’s not a bit: it’s far overcosted. If you feed the card for max effectiveness, it comes at turn 11 at the least, and in no way wins you the game, after about 30 mana investment.

The card is straight bad. The hero power is even worse, ramping so slow as to be meaningless.

From all t he hero cards, it’s the only one that comes with so steep a deckbuilding restriction: You can only put, at best, 8 school spells in the deck, and have to fill the rest with whatever you can muster, because there aren’t so many schooless spells. Then, they all cost 7 or above, can’t be cast by iceblood tower and must be played before varden, just to Maybe Swing the board with flamestr ike, Ma sk of C’thun and 2 water elementals.

You know what does better with a far smaller restriction? Mordresh. Mordresh actually can win you the game, sinergizes and produces a better pay off; clearing th eboard for sure, pyroblasting the enemy and leaving a 8/8, being able to be played straight at 8 easily.


I wish I had a Buck for every time someone has said this in Forums about a joke card that Team 5 dumped on Mage.
It won’t happen. The miniset won’t give mage anything of real importance, and then the next full expansion they will give mage a tier two deck that everyone in forums (including you) will repeatedly complain about until they nerf it into the ground.
The formula never changes. Rinse and Repeat.
The hero card is a piece of junk.
If it did not overwrite Wildfire it would be decent if expensive.
But not only does it overwrite the Wildfire(s) that you play, (which is fair) it also overwrites any WF that it casts as part of its effect.
It’s garbage and there is no way team 5 did not know that when they released it.

The card is definitely overcosted, but changing it to 3 is absurd. I could see it being reasonable at 5.

It also needs to work ‘properly’ with Wildfire, because that interaction is all sorts of wrong.

Alternatively, it needs to only target enemies if possible so you could aim for a Fireball / Mask / Orb finish with some Spell Damage setup. Or Rune of the Archmage needs an ‘Arcane’ tag. Or Magister needs to count ‘no type’ as it’s own school.


I already got it to 9 damage against Paladin , its a hero power for the long value games .

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How many games do you honestly think that will be possible though?
I agree with the plaintiffs here. 7 mana for a really slow card that can only be used in one deck is a joke.

please elaborate on why casting ice barrier, mass polymorph, mask of c’thun and fire sale for 8 mana plus gaining 5 armor and a better hp is bad.


And when is all this goodness going to happen? Turn Eleven? Twelve?
By the time you get the value you are speaking of you will be long dead.


Probably because you’re going to die horribly to any reasonable opponent if those are the only 4 spells you’ve cast that game?


It’s incredible, in theory.
In practice you can’t put or play any draw to be able to use a maybe situational tech (polymorph) gave up every ice stall, had to use mask of c’thun and gave up your own board for fire sale, all the while clogging up your hand for about 10 turns.

And still didn’t win the game.


Your’e gonna die anyhow. when this meta is sorted I expect mage to be at the bottom of the dog pile

Against Paladin every single game is a value game and Paladin is the most played class in ladder right now.
What least from my side of things.

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currently playing only mage since expact started , this happen more often than you’d think.

The deck is still average sadly.

maybe you are using the hero card wrong?