The Hearthstone Makers

They are too proud to be asked for help.

They think that no one should help them with their game except their own, so when anyone asks them for help they don’t give it because they feel too proud to be asked for help.

They are so proud (of whatever) that they don’t even allow any form of open communication between the players with them. They are not our counselors, but they sure as hell don’t care about helping us. Let’s just quit.

Edit: So maybe the forums are actually read sometimes. I swear there was no communication that got through to the devs/desigs or whatever at least almost all the time, but Classic Mode itself was a forum communication idea that got through (at least it appears that way). So, just based on how I felt when writing this, they do not care at all, but based on how I feel now writing this edit, it’s like hitting the lottery against an actual “worthy opponent” when the higher-ups actually take something from the forums into account for actual changes in the game.


I’ve heard that they communicate quite a lot on twitter though :thinking:
The hard thing is to know who is actually part of the staff
Some of them used to do weekly A.M.A.
One of them recently posted a more detailled explanation of the intern process of patchmaking and the reason why they can’t nerf new cards quickly because of hierarchy orders

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That was then. This is now. The people who made Hearthstone and did that then actually cared about people while the most of Hearthstone Makers do NOT (care about people AT ALL). Most of Blizzard doesn’t care about people.

yeah, they don't care ...

Any chance for a link to this? Or was that the whole thing?

They were discussing it on SolaryHS, don’t remember the name
As I said the hardest part is to know who actually works for HS, then find their socials where they talk about it

I just want to point out that saying there’s no communication at all is unfair. There’s a gigantic lack of clarity and accessibility in communication that’s for sure. But some still do care and communicate

Okay, but MOST do NOT care and do NOT communicate.

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At this point, I’d argue D4 is doing a better job with PR than HS

I used to justify buying a bundle no different than buying an expansion for a game, which I had no problem doing because I really enjoyed playing and I’d like to have more content/cards. I no longer feel this with their game. At all.

I see they communicate on socials, but I wouldn’t mind a stream or something a little more than a limited tweet every now and then.

I take offense when people say blizzard is just an indie game company.

It’s a must for an indie team to early and often communicate with potential customers, this is for marketing and feedback.

This seems more like actions of a team too high on the saddle as OP kinda mentions with the “pride”.

Sadly, I see little reason for Microsoft not just to do the bare minimum and then let it rot after acquisition.

They communicate with the Community, not individuals.

Everyone thinks their take is so important …

O God. This is such a nonsense idea. With what do they communicate with the Community? Their updates? There’s always a constant barrier that prevents any understanding of feelings and reciprocation and reciprocation of feelings from the players to the makers.

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Did you get rejected for a job?

The thing is
Who are you talking about exactly ?
This is one thread you can’t just use the dev word in a generic way
There was ~100 people on HS
If most of them are actual developpers, the ones who’s job is just to program the game the way they are told to, then that’s most of them for which there’s no communication to have with the players
The ones that should communicate are the actual designers, community managers, team leaders… But how many are they ?
If they are only a few and if the few that talk on socials represent half of them, can you really say that MOST don’t care ?

We definitely need more communication but I genuienly have no idea who should provide it (not where)

What’s it to you?
(If you’re looking to slander people, can you just give that back to the people who slander you because obviously this must be the case if you are.)

What is with YOU Hearthstone forums members always asking like “What/Who do you mean EXACTLY?” then ridiculing me for meaning something/someone exactly? Why can’t you just take my face-value meaning without having to always seek to ridicule me FOR EVERYTHING???

No it’s not. (Then you make up rules like this to limit people.)

Whatever then. Then this just proves my point (that YOU are trying to talk against)

And then you say this to Strawman argue as so many others do on these forums and online.

You actually can very accurately say that MOST don’t care, and I do because as I see it and have felt it for many years playing this game, MOST DON’T CARE!

I’m not trying to ridicule your or whatever you’d like to call it. I’m just trying to put things in perspective
Not every single person in a company does the job of every single other one
Are you gonna call out the specific employee of a big company that hand-made your shoe because that specific employee doesn’t talk on socials ? No you will call out the company itself, not the shoe makers
When your point is directed about 10~20% of the actual employees but you direct it against 100% of them, you lose the initial intent.
That’s an unneeded call out against people that do not deserve it

Now if you only focus on the 10~20% of them, and say that the few that do communicate don’t count, you’re being hypocritical for not admitting what proves you wrong.

In no way am I saying that you are being hypocritical, that’s just a thought on the principle
Shame on me I can’t give you the socials of the talkative ones, I don’t know them myself just as I said that they are very unclear on their communications, I don’t know about an agenda with all the employees of the game.

The thing is you are refering to “the hearthstone makers” which basically means every employee involved in the game.
You say they are too proud to be asked for help, with no evidence of that.
Why would you say that about the actual devs who just do their job ? They’re not paid to reply on socials, that’s their right not to, they may even not be allowed to.

You say they think that no one should help them with their game ? What makes you think that ? There’s a lot of devs that wish they could do better. No dev likes ot see bugs in their game, but they have to oblige to the orders they are given. Why would you blame them for that ?

I’m not taking away anything from what you said, I genuienly ask who you are talking to.
If you can’t stand a question like that… just temper wha tyou say if you don’t want us to think you ar trying to hide ignorance.


You’re seeking to control me like the Hearthstone Makers control you and their player base.


No. Why would I do that??


I did direct it at MOST of them. I didn’t direct it against 100% of them. You are lying!


What?.. I am being hypocritical for not admitting what proves me wrong? Nothing anyone said has proved me wrong. Nothing proves me wrong. I am right and I am not afraid to say it.

But you ~ARE saying I am hypocritical. You’re just lying again to make it seem like you’re not.

Then what good are you for even bringing it up? Huh??

So what?

They have proved it for over 8 years of Hearthstone? What do you mean with no evidence of that?

Why not? I rather tell the truth than let people live in lies, lying to themselves any longer about this game and their team and employees.

I never said they were. I never said it wasn’t. Can you stop trying to make me look bad already? You’re really into looking like a slanderer, huh?


They have proven it. for. 8. years. …

There’s no proof of that. Source?

So you think I am saying that they don’t have to oblige to the orders that they are given, ~AND~ you think I blame them for doing their orders?

You sure adding a lot of lies to what I said to make me look like you are making yourself look like though. I am talking to anyone reading here.

Ignorance doesn’t need to be hidden. It needs to be shown to show people how much they are forced to keep from knowing, just like the Hearthstone Makers are forcing us keep from knowing what exactly they’re doing and thinking when they release some of the most nonsensical ideas year after year after year. Get a grip. Here’s a piece of advice for you. Stop being a Blizzard shill.

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Not here, and not since before the pandemic, and proven by the fact they removed the dev tab, they showed they don’t care about the community enough to post here at all. The “improved communication” lie is demonstrable fraud at this point.

Pot, meet kettle.

Some team 5 people were not too long ago.

It’s a joke, mocking them for their frequent screw ups. When they actually were a small indie game company (decades ago), one could forgive the odd glitch, bug, etc. Because they were a small team, not a multibillion dollar company that was being too greedy to properly test and fix their product, invest in infrastructure, and so on.

When you see someone posting “small indie company” in reference to actiblizz, it’s not a compliment.

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Oh I mean, the only reason I’m asking is becuase you sound very bitter, like you got denied a promotion or for a job you applied for at Blizzard thats all.

Perhaps you should look up the word Slander. I have a feeling you don’t fully understand what it means.

Yeah, it’s whatever dude. I get slander against me on here all the time. It’s just part of my life and identity to be receive slander.

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To quote J. Jonah Jameson: slander is verbal, in print, it’s libel.

So, if he used libel…that makes it better?

; )

You have to develop a thick skin online, especially here. And especially when criticizing the company. Because when the actiblizz defense force shows up in force, you might find yourself on the receiving end of one of their coc violating gang ups. And naturally the mods will be nowhere to be found.

Yeah, IDC. I’m not trying to stay anywhere.

The mods are only there to time me out after getting harassed. Not remove harassing comments I report.

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