The Grind to Legend

It takes at least 25 games to climb from rank 5 to legend.
If you have an 80% win rate, it will take 45 games.
If you have a 60% win rate, it will take 125 games.
If you have a 55% win rate, it will take 241 games.

It’s only not a grind if you are far better than other rank 5-rank 1 players. Your 30-40 game estimate is not possible for most players trying to get to legend.

I’m sure it’s probably an unpopular opinion, but there’s really not much point to getting legend outside of being able to say you got legend. Only staying in legend bracket for a month makes it feel like an unfun repeat grind. The only real benefit is you can play weird decks and not really care about your rank since you won’t rank out of legend. Really wish the ladder lasted longer than a month, maybe it would feel more worthwhile then.


After getting legend once ages ago I didn’t bother with it for like 3 years and I never missed it. Only recently I started playing a bit more seriously.

The good thing about getting legend is that the higher rating you have the better opponents you will see. (not always but in general). When you are competitive then you will want to play against the best opponents but when you are not all that serious about the game there is little point in getting legend. Getting legend is also difficult when you play casual,you do need to put in quiet a lot of hours.

+you already get the epic at rank 5, getting to legend is for the fun of playing vs better players and not for 500 dust, i think

0.3 per cent of all road accidents in Canada involve a moose
40 per cent of women have hurled footwear at a man
50 per cent of bank robberies take place on Fridays
i, too, can post useless stats, play the game instead of posting useless stuff, you’ll see it doesn’t take that many games

Just because you think Legend is easy, that doesn’t mean it’s easy for everyone. Sure, if you’re a highly skilled hardcore veteran player, Legend can be easy but for your average hs pleb, Legend is a big deal and very difficult.

Also saying it’s achievable in 30-40 games is laughable. Mathematically speaking, for someone reaching Legend in 30 games, that means someone is going negative.

As someone who has achieved legend a few times, let me explain something.

It is pointless. It is indicative of nothing. Unless you have a homebrew deck you used to do it, it is no way representative of skill. The first time I got to legend, I used Big Priest when it was in standard. That deck was broken as hell. I went from 4-legend and only lost two games, to OTHER big priests.

Getting legend is only proof of two things:

  1. You can pilot a Tier 1 deck competently enough to have a better than 50% winrate

  2. You have a ridiculous amount of time with nothing better to do than grind hearthstone

Legend is Hearthstone’s answer to "we need to legitimize our system by having an “I’m better than you” achievement. It’s pointless. It’s a way to make you feel like you need to be trying to achieve something. The same way that you can’t get a golden hero portrait in casual, so it drives you to this PoS ladder system.

It rewards one of the lamest card backs in the game, the dust difference for end of month rewards for legend vs. rank 5 is like 40 dust or something stupid…

There’s just no point. If you put ANY thought into the ladder or legend as a concept, congratulations, you’ve already put more thought into it than Blizzard.


Guessing from this you are probably one of those people who also would say the standard card back is lame?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Compared to the card backs that have come out over the last few years that are far more intricate and interesting, and you can get them for nothing other than winning 5 games in a month? Yeah, the legend cardback feels like slap in the face.

I think updating it to have that expansion’s watermark “engraved” into it would at least give the cardback some relevant flavor.

Giving out sweet monthly cardbacks while never updating the one for legend does seem kinda silly.

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Unless you plan to become a pro and are willing to grind to top 10 legend there’s ZERO reason to even worry about ladder.

At least up to 5 you get a reward worth a decent little chunk of dust. If you’re looking for a fun variety of matches though, the grind to legend is definitely pretty pointless beyond the feeling of “yay I didt it!”. That’s not to discount the acheivement for those who really want it, but for many players like myself, the general monotony of the grind simply isn’t worth it.

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Yup, but unfortunately the entire system is designed to make you feel like you SHOULD be climbing ladder.

they aren’t useless stats lol. i’m literally refuting your point.
if it doesn’t take that many games, it means you have a very high win rate. it’s pretty simple.

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that would make the climb worth it once every 4 months

rank 5+=500dust, it’s quite a lot and takes no time

did it ever take you 241 games to be legend?

No but 125ish (~60%) for Control can be painful and 60% is about the lowest I’ve climbed at.10m/game is 21 hours ><

exactly, it never takes 241 games then !
do you have higher winrates with aggro/midrange than control? i’m curious, i usually have terrible winrates with aggro (or worse, face decks like odd hunter when it came out), i’m always out of steam lol

Only time I’ve climbed as aggro was this month in Wild with Murloc Shaman. That climb was at 67% WR but obviously once is no sample size. My best climb with Control was in the same ballpark

Well, 1 person hit legend on NA already this month, so on the low end, legend in achievable in 8-10 hours.

I think we are talking for the general player though. I mean anyone can make legend if they just keep playing with a half decent deck. It just takes a whole lot of time. Gold is generally way more valuable though compared to dust.