The Game is Fixed - Why claim it isn’t?

Seriously the more you win the harder counters you are played into.

I would love to believe it is rng but seriously count how many times you open Hearthstone and lose your first game………I don’t lose my first game ever. But then once you win a few….you then seem to hit a wall and it’s not a skill ceiling it’s a ‘I’ve been completely countered playing control via aggro’ or visa versa.

As I said, play your first game of the day and tell me if you won or lost. I’m at Plat 2 and won :+1:


This is not true. Matchmaking doesn’t consider decks, only players, who get better & better the more you win.


I lost my first game today, even though it was a favourable matchup.
Cuz rank matters to you, it was bronze at legend mmr due to 10 stars bonus.

Oh and btw I never found that counter matchup phenomena, on any of my countless climbs to d5-legend.
Only pocket meta that is against you is a real thing sometimes

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This isn’t the echo chamber you’re looking for


Sure calling every one drones because they don’t follow you when you just drop random document names will help the community grow.
I’d like to understand what you’re talking about but I’m not wasting my free time reading something worth hundred of pages just because some random smart*ss is dropping the name of it pretending they have a point
So far I haven’t seen anyone supporting you just because of annoying you are to people.
Even when they are interested and ask what you are talking about, you blow them off “You don’t know how to read ?” style
You’re either the worst at convincing people or one of the best clowns we’ve had so far :clown_face:
At least drones are controlled by somebody. Feels sad to be a car with a broken steering wheel, endlessly drawing circles while waiting to run out of gas while chanting the 3 same nonsenses.

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Basically whole novel above described that drones don’t like read and being called drones :broken_heart:

The moderator deleted an early message with the game’s falsification patent number. Everyone can find a match falsification patent by the number US20160001181A1 or US10857468B2.