The game is a joke. Get rid of Sire

It’s not broken, holy crud, dude. Broken is uncounterable. Unavoidable. You say this like every archtype is running Denathrius and getting a over 50% winrate BECAUSE of him. I’m sure aggro and Control Warrior (RIP right now, but the point stands) would sit there and assure you there’s no threat if he either can’t be played, or just does nothing.

Whatever happened to Immolate? I thought that was supposed to destroy Hearthstone just like people claim Theotar is doing now. You can even use 2 of them and they hit the whole hand instead of just 1 card.

Immolate can only be used by Warlocks, and it takes a full 3 turns to get its effect off, whereas Theotar’s effect is instant and can be used by any class. Theotar also has the additional benefit of being able to steal Denathrius instead of simply burning it.

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I would consider a broken card any card that can easily win the game by itself simply by playing it. In that sense, Denathrius is a broken card. A 10 Mana 10/10 with Lifesteal that can clear your opponent’s board and maybe even kill their hero is too powerful, especially for classes like Druid, who can summon a ridiculous number of small minions and combine Sire with Brann to ensure an OTK.

Even if you don’t consider him broken, you have to at least admit he’s not a fun card to play against. If all players need to constantly worry about the card being summoned, regardless of class, then the card is problematic and needs to be adjusted.


But what about that same fear, same build up regarding the Shard for Priest? Given everything, playing 3-8 mana doesn’t seem that hard either, considering they have means of pulling it rather easily; and Mutanus can only eat Xyrella, if drawn or saved, which is the same timeframe to drawing Sire; and Theo can possibly swap out the same win con shard if it was drawn by that turn (So, same with Sire).

I don’t get how people again consider Sire so offensive, when Darkmoon faire had C’thun, the Corrupt mechanic with Y’shaarj (Clowns, always clowns) feed, and how no one seems to mind Mage replaying Rune several times (exaggeration*).

I don’t really play Druid, so this has no bias; Sire is fun to play in Infuse Hunter if he’s drawn, but really I think we all need to just relax on Sire seeming to be as cruel as he is. His stats online do not “justify” all this backlash, “just because he can OTK”. A lot of things can.

There was a suggestion on reddit the other day to change theo’s text to read, “Un-infuse your opponent’s infuse cards” and that would be much better and cover more ground, imo.

It’s an idea, /shrug

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you can lie but your btag doesn’t

no need, we already know the answer

hard to say, he would score less often, that’s for sure since he’s nothing but a 9, can’t carry his team like a neymar or de bruyne would

why are you so stubborn lol, when someone who has 100x your xp says something, it’s probably true (especially if the stats prove him right)

and in order to do that, you need him in your starting hand, taking the place of a more useful card, doing nothing until he gets fully infused

I like the idea. #undo

I totally agree. Even if I win using this card it feels crappy

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Again , i dont lie, and again what kind of childish offtopic bs is this. A quick search on your forum activity i can see that less than a week ago you asking other people to send you screenshots for proove how long they played. Is this some kind of fetish of yours or what?

You think you can win arguments by trying to belittle people?

It dont work with me, sorry, try again.

Denathrius is a trash broken card.

And you can go back to your moms basement now.

Come back when you learned how to hold proper argumentations for your views.

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and do you think you can win with…nothing? stats say you’re wrong, better players say you’re wrong lol

why don’t you play the game, get out of bronze and see that it isn’t so “trash broken”?

Again you are all out on the assumptions. It dont win you the case. You just look stupid talking like this.

Are you able to hold any real arguments other than im new, i suck, im in bronze, that you in all honesty know nothing about? They didnt teach you that in your trailerpark?

The only thing you have managed to bring to the table that has any form of revelance here is:

Claim that since some decks who dont use Denathrius have a higher win percentage therefore the card Denathrius cannot possibly be broken.

Thats nothing but shallow thinking. But im not suprised when i see the rest of your act.

Your the kind of guy who in all seriousness could problably ask someone for their university diploma for find out who is right and wrong in an argument. Oh lord.

A lot of things can OTK, but there is usually a degree of effort in order to use those powerful effects. Sire doesn’t require you to complete a quest in order to shuffle the win condition into your deck, nor does he split into 4 pieces that you have to play just to draw him. At least with Xyrella and C’thun, you can tell that’s their win condition as soon as the match starts, whereas with Sire it comes completely out of the blue. If a card has almost no counterplay to it, then it’s a bad card. People shouldn’t have to run Theotar or Mutanus just to maybe deal with the possibility of Sire being in their opponent’s hand.

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You can ignore the guy you been replying to–he is a troll. He hit legend maybe once and now thats all he talks about (probably netdecked it). Sire is a huge pain and as it stands, it has too much power–it needs a face damage limit added. It being a board clear is fine, but the face damage is ridiculous.


Personally, I think Big Daddy D is fine. Why? Because the stats seems to suggest it. The overall win rate of decks that use it is 54% in Gold (all I have access to) and I think less in higher ranks (where it matters more for this discussion). That’s not a “broken” card.

The only issue for which I could empathize would be the Kael>Brann>Daddy combo. You could probably fix that by giving him rush and changing the Battlecry effect to a Deathrattle effect. You could still get some good healing and threat removal with the Rush effect and maybe even trigger the DR if you can run it into something big. IT definitely weakens it dramatically, but it would stop the OTK combo. On the other hand, they could change the effect to start at 2 damage instead of 5. This is a 3 damage AND 3 heal nerf, which is pretty significant. All that said, I’d prefer they leave it be.

As for Theo, I think they should leave the discover effect on the steal but the giveaway card is random. I’m imagining my opponent playing Theo after I complete my Priest Quest and trying to steal my Xyrella only to give me his mega-infused Daddy D. Talk about potential for Trolden moments!

cause a game that comes down to who gets something good with theo/ gets a bigger dena is dumb? also the main culprite for sir BS is druid who has no problem keeping a full hand making your theo way less likely to hit it, and even if you pull the miracle to hit it they also run theo to get it back…

Just lost to this combo. And I was at Plat 1 with 3 stars (which is pretty good for me at this early date). Druid was down to 9 health, too. Grrr… Oh well. I still don’t think the card should be nerfed.

If Sire was purely board, I actually wouldn’t mind keeping it at Infuse (1)

The card should’ve never gone face, especially with Brann’s inclusion in the core set

I’ve seen some suggest it should be board first, and then any residual damage goes face (similar to Piercing Shot and Collateral Damage). I like that idea. Doesn’t really stop the Kael-Brann-Daddy combo though.

I mean there’s a lot of viable suggestions, right? Clearly, there is some common ground which most if not all players can agree is a good place for Sire to be.