The fact no decks have genn/bak really show the power creep

Remember that genn/baku were axed early because of how OP they were? Well, seems like there’s no good decks that use them with the reintroduction to core. It’s because there’s been so much power creep that hero powering, even if it costs 1 or it’s upgraded, is just such a bad move nowadays.

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no tier 1 decks maybe but Even warlock is fine
Odd warrior/demon hunter are also fine

Isn’t just the fact that there is power creep but when cards are designed they build around them(the other odd/even support from witch wood like the eel in even shaman) along with making cards fit the curve for them(druid had 7 of their cards odd and the odd support stag// shaman had 6 even cost cards)

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you forgot to add a little detail on your OP only baku and grenn are back not the expansions from back then


More like genn/baku don’t mesh well with the standard meta. They (at least genn) are still played in wild its just that the deck restriction isn’t worth the cost with the standard card pool.

I think even if the synergy cards came back with them it still wouldn’t be popular/strong.

There’s just too many ways to build a massive board by turn 4 nowadays.