The Event is disappointing

Even if he’s a good boy, streamers live in their own little world. It’s probably a guess some of his friends (or he) have because there were promotions of that sort in the past (and they MIGHT be right).

We are getting a card back from the quest on the 11th?
I think that is all I care about.
I have more than earned that card back imo.

Their own world where they get to give the finger to the hand that feeds them and still get the goods?

That’s not how that kind of access works. One can either be the fringe guy doing his own thing (the “in their own world”) and say and do what he wants, or be “agreeable” to the powers that be and get the codes and goodies to hand out from places like actiblizz. And the worst you can say is something wasn’t that great or didn’t really live up to your expectations.


Sorry but that streamer doesn’t look very reliable. He seems to make 20 minute videos after news that can be covered in 10 seconds even though I haven’t watched much of his stuff.

Not questioning his integrity but I don’t like content which is obviously spread out for the sake of spreading it out.

That’s an opinion on quality of content, not anything about his unreliability.

That’s like saying I can’t trust your posts because you use a warlock avatar. One thing has nothing to do with the other.


Anyway we’ll see. Sometimes those people do have insider information. It’s not like it’s impossible to literally meet a Dev at a convention if you’re a minor celebrity streamer.

If only there was some other method of communicating…say an interconnect network of computers that allowed people to communicate near instantly from one side of the world to the other!

One day, people might even be able to send images to others via these complex interconnected computers, and even video recordings!

Now this may sound like sorcery, but I tell you such technology would even allow people to send text based message to one another in almost real time!

I would call this humble network of interconnected computers…the internet.

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And I told you, no official word on the official twitter etc yet. You’re the one citing streamers as sources.

I’m pretty sure, I’m not:

you were the one who went off the deep end about his creditability, meeting devs at cons, etc.


You got offended his credibility is questioned. Then you started being sarcastic when I said he might have insider info.

You contradict yourself because you are desperate to “win” on replies I don’t even disagree with you.

projection, the post. I pointed out objectively that the company uses him as a source, promos, etc.

Then you made several pointless pejorative statements like equating his video quality and length with his personal integrity.

If replying to posts is desperation, then your desperation is pretty high, based on every single reply you made to me thus far…using your criteria.

Times are pretty bad when simply pointing out basic facts and engaging in a discussion is “desperation.”

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Where is the source that confirms he’s an official source?

As for me being offended and projecting, nice meta.

Oh, you mean aside from getting to reveal card art for them?

Pretty sure if that wasn’t an officially sanctioned release, it would have gotten a C&D.

Let’s see:

You’ve gone out of your way to take shots at someone you know nothing about.

Make comments about whether or not you believe the information is accurate. The fact you are now projecting after it was pointed out you were not being objective is laughable.

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He was also refused a card reveal a few years ago and played into his persona, crying like a little girl about it.

No, he is not an authority. He is a bigger scammer than Blizzard is because he preys on the audience of Blizzard more than they do in order to make a buck.

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So…way before the titans art reveal, which was 7 months ago.

Also, some sexism worthy of irvine going on there!

Pretty sure that would requires making billions more a year than they do, and a laundry list of scumminess greater than theirs.

None of which actually addresses the point of whether or not he’s actually trustworthy. Because if actiblizz thinks he’s trustworthy enough CURRENTLY (not “years ago”) to reveal their information, which no one has contradicted yet, then all’s that is going here is some really poor attempts at character assassination.

If you want to discuss the quality of his content, or his emotional maturity or whatever…that’s an entirely different discussion. One that is not relevant to the current topic.

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No. Anyone who acts to a persona in order for nothing more than clicks is trustworthy. That is Zeddy.

E: also, you whole argument is flawed. If Zeddy is trustworthy purely because Blizzard trusts him with a reveal, then Blizzard must also be trustworthy to give him that privilege.

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How can HIMSELF be the source? You need Blizzard confirming it.

I’m the Pope if I say it by that logic.

So he is trustworthy then.

that’s a terrible kind of post hoc fallacy. Some of the worst and most treacherous people in history trusted others to do their dirty work. It didn’t make them trustworthy.

Oh, so you’re claiming he hacked their system to get the ra-den card art to reveal it. Post the proof.

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Just as trustworthy as Blizzard is, yes.

I dont trust any actor, they literally make a living being liars. Zeddy is an actor.

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Already addressed this. unless you want to start admitting some of the worst people in history were trustworthy.

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