The Event is disappointing

The list of quests in the event tab. It adds up to 5k gold i think?

Where are you seeing that? , :thinking:


I was mistaken lol i just checked. Its a set of cards that adds up to 5k dust and you get a coin at the end.
Or something like that,its a bit confusing but i wont be doing it anyway.

Its equivalent to 5k gold,from blizzards perspective.

Feel free to explain the subsequent parts after everyone grinds out the track.

I can say a rock is worth a trillion dollars because it was held by someone important, and it was in the same room as a bunch of really cool people…but it’s still a rock.


you. can not. disenchant them.

[and they are Event cards which means they will be gone from Standard too]


we were told about the event weeks ago and somehow everyone was ok with it(or didnt post a word about it ) back then…and now start to complain

would been a better idea to speak up back then (better chances for improvements if people complain earlier )

Stop dodging and answer the question about the subsequent parts of the event after this one.


you read the announcment in know because you posted on the thread …

Interesting how someone all caps “liar” at people so often and demands sources, can’t actually provide one.


That’s what I don’t like. I shouldn’t have to link my account to another app that I don’t use.
Why not have these rewards earn able for playing the game? I’m not installing twitch to link an account to earn rewards.

And yes the diamond and golden Hearth Stonebrew are coming confirmed in paid bundles. Not a troll post sadly.


I said it was crap. But I doubt anything would change[if a few more did it]. Most of the subreddit and half of people here support the Devs without question anyway[and Blizzard almost never changes something before a major patch(they appear to plan features months ahead in all their games)].


What do you mean? I see no twitch promotion announced currently.

Gosh, if I could get 5k dust from an event, I’d play every day.


They’ve released some teasers indicating that twitch drops will be very generous leading up to the mini set.

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On twitter? I didn’t notice anything.

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No clue. I’ve never been on twitter. I just watch content creators to learn about updates. This info comes from Zeddy.

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So, something they’ve repeatedly scammed people on over the years.

Celebrating more than one anniversary at a time. Saves them money and screws over the customers. Typical actiblizz.


Oh that is quiet disapointing then ha ha.

No clue why they put the dust value below when you can not capitalize on it.

Guess to make it look bettet then it is. Did fool me at least.

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Those probably try to bait you, to keep watching.

Actually, zeddy is fairly reliable. If he were some clickbaiter, actiblizz wouldn’t let him hand out codes, do reveals, and the like.