That’s all. I just wanted Blizz to know I was doing okay playing Hearthstone but the event caused me to stop. I did the pirate one which was stupid enough but I can’t bring myself to even try the Marin one. I just don’t have it in me. I’m not sure if I’ll be back either. I have the gold for miniset but at this point I just don’t know it seems the game has run its course for me. Wishing you all the best
you arent the only one who thinks this chain in the quest line is dumb as can be. playing his treasures 15 times from 1 specific legendary is stupid. im only on 5/15 after 3 days of playing this game. something as dumb as this quest like should never of been done. maybe 5 or 6 would have been ok. but not 15
I’m one of the least likely to support Blizzard, but hating this questline design means you just don’t play the game enough.
Yes they might promote daily gameplay; but it’s not like it’s excessive; I play daily for max ~1 hour and I did the quests.
Ive been playing all day today. probably about 12 or 15 matches. Im at 5/15 times. Its not that easy of a quest as its not reliable you’ll ever draw the Marin before you win or lose the match.
I did it in ~3-4 games with a ramp druid variant; it had projectionists/zola instead of doomkins; paradoxically it made the deck even better because it made it more robust against fast aggro (because you could use the copiers also for the cheap ramp dragons (the initial idea was to copy Marin)). It has a lot of mana and it draws fast so it’s inevitable to use if you don’t die early in the game.
Play in a format you don’t usually play so you have bad MMR (or casual because it counts but casual has bad XP and no achievement credit).-
All of them are tedious, even the dailies. Deal damage to enemy heroes 35 times :/…Doesn’t even work in BG’s…
I got it done in a game
If you want to get it it done, you can probably do it in one game
go to wild and make a creation protocol/copy deck, get marin, and then play 8 of him in one game, like I did.
It isn’t hating it. It’s more just exhausting. It’s the proverbial camel that broke the straws back more than anything. Keep in mind I’ve completed every event until now. And they just keep getting worse and worse and stupider and stupider. At a certain point, It must be me that would be stupid to continue playing. This is that point.
Come on most events were obscenely easy. I was completing them in 2 to 4 days max and they had a deadline of about 30 days. This appears to be completed in 2 weeks with very casual play and it lasts for double that.
Right, as they should be
Right, quite unfortunate they chose to go away from what works
I am not even try to make it completed… just play the daily for 75 XP every day… I am almoast at the last reward and about 10 days left… not sure I will even need to make this completed to get all the rewards… but the game… getting more and more frustrating… I am about to leave too until card rotation because this is unbareable… the developers making the players hate the game by these unfair card designs they are doing lately…
if you are a active player, you will complete the event without needing to do the major quest, you can just do the small one every day and be fine
you have 10 more days
You won’t. I play only for max 1 hour a day lately, and I’m already at the last half of the last bit.
At least its only packs you miss out on this time and not a hero portrait. To me its not as big of a deal to not complete because of this.
I don’t think that.
I’m no longer
Exactly, as a F2P I don’t care one bit for things someone using a credit card and their 80k+ salary can buy in 5 seconds, earnable portraits and card backs are the only thing that really matters and even then.