The Dev Team Will Never Learn

Paladin is dominating because it gets to do things that break the rules of card games. Throughout Hearthstone’s history the biggest problems the game experiences are when they allow cost reduction of cards. This problem gets compounded when they print cheap cards that also do more than they should.

The combo of Showdown!, Zilliax, Crusader Aura, Sea Giant, and Prismatic Beam allow Paladin to punish anyone for playing the game. Being punished for playing the game ALWAYS makes for a horrible experience and meta. This deck single handedly keeps any other agro deck from being able to exist in the meta. This inherently pushes the meta more towards noninteractive decks. This is evidenced by mage, warlock, warrior, druid, and even hunter being pushed towards playstyles that do not rely on the board.

How much a card costs is fundamental to its balance. Letting a card become under-cost needs to come with serious caveats attached. The current kit makes these reductions far too easy to attain. Simply put, they need to stop making it so easy to reduce costs or have a card repeat its effect or these problems will keep popping up.


Mana cheat is only getting worse

Rogue cheats around 100 mana per game, not even worth counting each individual play

Mage now has tons of mana cheat. Manufacturing error cheats 9 mana (4 if you count the 5 mana cost of it, but it’s not right to do because you have to pay to draw 3 cards, so it’s 9 mana cheat) + Void scripture cheating up to 8 mana (1 card, 8 mana cheat)

Pally is…well, it’s a weird thing happening with pally now. Flood pally is a hit or miss deck. If you hit your combo, you can still get scammed from time to time, and when you don’t hit your combo, you just get run down by every deck in the meta. Showdown is OK, it’s fair on its’ own. Making it cost more would be akin to deleting it. Prismatic beam, however, should have a condition which makes it unplayable for flood pally deck. THAT tempo swing is just unfair and without counterplay.

I suggest a condition “if you have no minions on the board…” to at least make the tempo swing lower.

It’s not really mana cheating, though, so it’s a bad example. It’s just cheating xD

Druids cheat mana, warlock cheats mana (although he pays for it dearly) - the only card which needs to (and WILL) be nerfed is INFERNAL! as you can’t possibly justify the 6/6 stats on a 4 mana taunt.

It’s so good that I would consider running it in other aggro warlock decks which don’t depend on killing themselves to cheat mana, and that’s when you know a card is broken.


Prismatic Beam is a nightmare card to rebalance. It should have never been printed. One sided board wipes will ALWAYS have problems. This becomes an even bigger problem when it allows tempo swings that often insta-win the game. The only way I see it being balanced is that the card costs 1 less for each enemy minion but increases for each friendly minion. I would then drop its mana cost down to 6. That would mean only 3 enemy minions need to be on field for it to be outright better than consecrate. I frankly would have never printed the card.


I like this

Dunno about 6 mana, that means the card costs 0 when enemy has 6 or 7 and you have none

Just leave it on 8 with that condition

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This puts it fairly in line with something like Table Flip. I would at least drop it down to 7 if I added that nerf.

I could agree on 7 :smiley:

They will not learn. mana cheat was a class identity in the past.

Rogue- Mana discount
Shaman- Overload- borrowing mana from future turns
Druid- Ramping- increasing mana capacity in early turns.

Now rogue have shadow step and prep for that reason dev team doesn’t give rogue any strong class cards even the new bunny card is not strong compared to rest of the meta.

But the same dev team gives all other classes mana cheat.


Change start with players.

Wanna see paladin nerfed?
Spam it


I’m sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a bit.

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Than Tell me than why rogue is tier 3 class now. The last time they printed a good cards for rogue was for mech rogue and they nerfed the card also mech rogue didn’t felt like rogue at all.

You guys are confusing trick cards such as sonya with strong cards.

It’s not

High legend players put it in tier 1 since the miniset came out

Not because of the cards that came out for rogue, but because of meta shifting it produced

There’s no legend 1 player who didn’t get there playing rogue most of their games this month


Rogue has had shadowstep and prep literally since day 1 of Hearthstone. Rogue has never gotten good cards since the beginning?

we will see that in vs report but that is mainly because of excavate cards are strong and rogue is able to produce highest amount of excavate cards.

Also the thing with the excavate rogue is that it doesn’t have any hard counter and can win against any deck but it doesn’t mean it is a strong deck against most of the deck it has %50 winrate which makes it consistent because it doesn’t get effected from daily hourly meta shift as much as other decks. Such as if you play painlock suddenly meta can shift and you can find yourself constantly matching against flood paladin which means you will lose from avarage winrate but if you play excavate rogue you can constantly go back and forth and preserve your rank and climb a bit because of every time your opponent makes miss play.

That’s exactly what makes it tier 1 in high legend

I really can’t say about lower ranks, mine included

I also don’t like playing that deck, I’m just quoting pro players

HS will never be in a good state with the current devs. Only way to get change is to stop playing and stop spending money on HS.

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i found their actual dev team:

“Mana cheat” isn’t cheating. It’s a silly term for salty players. It should be called cost reduction because that’s what it is, and it’s completely legitimate. I’m not saying that paladin players aren’t dominating, but they’re not breaking any rules.

This is just nonsense. Painlock exists, Zoo Hunter exists. And yes, the Zoo Hunter matchup is horrible for the Hunter, but it’s a complete fallacy to act like one really bad matchup makes any deck unplayable. It’s always the matchup spread in general, not just one matchup.

This is pathetic. There is no “punishment.” All you’re talking about here is losing a game and being salty about it, that’s why “punishment” means, and that’s more on you than it is on the Paladin. Bad matchups will always exist and should exist, and every single bad matchup has the property of exploiting weaknesses in the other deck’s game plan.

It is always amazing how bad your takes are. Do you know what hyperbole is? I do not think they are ACTUALLY cheating. Do not be dumb.

Painlock is not really a traditional agro deck. It is a combo deck that wants to drop 4/4s and 8/8s. Zoo hunter has been doing miserable compared to before. One agro deck seeing real success in a game with 11 classes is pretty awful.

Finally, you are directly punished for playing minions. If you try to gain board presence you are actively helping your opponent. That is very much being punished for playing the game. As for being salty, not even close. I made it to top 500 legend without even taking the game seriously and have been mostly memeing with a SludgeWheel that runs 8 board wipes lol. This seems like serious projection to me. Once I hit legend I honestly just play meme decks.


Got beat by Paladin, running to the forums.

Na, 2x Table Flip, 2x Defile, 2x Twisting Nether, Symphony of Sins, and Sargaros get the job done.