The Dev Team Will Never Learn

Well this is the Internet, if I’m not dumb someone will be. There are plenty of misinformed people who think that they are actually cheating.

But on the other hand I don’t want to kill your fun, and I get that sarcasm can be fun. Is there any way that we can have clarity and jokes at the same time?

It’s more along the lines of: you are limited in your capacity to gain board presence. If you go wide against Showdown Pally then yes you’re just going to help them. But if you play two minions, not really. They can bump you to 5 with Showdown, but then Beam still costs 3, total is 5 mana and they won’t be able to drop a Giant for free unless they already have 2 minions, which you shouldn’t let them if you can avoid it. Mana still limits them.

If you actually understand the tools that they could have and how they work, and you think a turn ahead, you can play around them. If you don’t, they use their tools effectively. That’s not really that different from any other deck. It’s not fundamentally different from dropping a bunch of 3 health minions into an obvious Aftershocks, or setting the Warrior up for a nice Bellowing Flames. It’s just a reactive paladin style, and when Paladin gets reactive you lose your mind. You shouldn’t. It’s not bad, it’s not toxic, it’s just interactive.

It might be a smidge overpowered at the moment though.

There is a big problem with your analysis. You are saying to only play 2 minions to mitigate Prismatic. This is easy to accomplish when playing control. Just wiped the floor with Paladin multiple times with Warlock because I never fight for board control. But, this essentially tells every other agro deck they just have to eat crow and not play the game because of Prismatic. Letting one class have the ability to completely shut down any other agro deck is bad design. Agro vs agro should be about fighting for board and making the smart trades and plays. Showdown + Prismatic allows them to completely blow any other agro out of the game.

I rarely play agro. I don’t have a horse in this race. But, I do want to see a fair and balanced game. As it stands, this set of cards is insanely oppressive.

EDIT: Apparently the Devs are getting it right. Showdown is getting a nerf. Color me impressed. Just saw it.

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I mean, I think that if you’re running Warlock aggri and you’re not running Table Flip, you’re probably wrong, and if you’re not running Crescendo you’re definitely wrong. DK runs plenty of minions and also clears. Hybrid Druid has minions and they also have Spell Damage powered Swipes. You can keep the minion count low when you don’t have a clear then dump when you do.

But yes aggro needs to run clears if they want a decent hope against Floodadin.

I doubt that it’ll kill the deck, it’ll just tone it down a smidge. I doubt that the deck will just go away. Should be less common though.

And btw I’m not arguing that it isn’t overpowered. Floodadin absolutely is too strong. What I’m arguing is that the fundamental play pattern of the deck isn’t toxic. Different issue.

I never said I was playing agro warlock. I got to top 500 legend and I have been memeing with a SludgeWheel deck ever since because I do not have the time to keep grinding in top 500. I also just do not care enough.

I also never said the deck would be killed or should be killed. Just simply stating that one class’s agro build shouldn’t be able to inherently get to oppress other agro decks from existing. The devs have been surprising me since I returned to the game with actual good nerfs.

Paladin is dominating with aggro again because the brain less developers can’t nerf Reno and other board removers to the ground to let Paladin win with slower decks… blame the devs… not the Paladins… I am Paladin only player with not meta deck (more than 8000 wins) and I can beat flood Paladin nicely… but can’t beat many other OP classes because of the stupid board removers which should not even exist… I am rarely get Paladin opponents probably because of that… instead I get DK, Warrior and Warlock… which I can’t beat by good chance because of the removers, AOE and endless discovery… If you want to nerf Paladin again… then nerf also removers to the ground… thank you…

I have actually been arguing for some time that removal has gotten way over tuned and needs to be toned down.


That’s just how the game works

When Control warrior is meta tyrant, it prevents all other control decks from seeing play, but opens the meta up for aggro decks

When aggro pally is the meta tyrant, it prevents all other aggro decks from seeing play, but opens the meta up for control decks (which we can see by warrior still being strong, control shaman and overheal priest seeing more play and more wins)

It’s just how the game works.

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When the most boring class (paladin) is the best/most played class, you know the meta is sh!t.

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Isn’t that how card cards everywhere work. The best version of a deck archetype is the best because it edges out other decks of that archetype. If someone’s goal is to win and they play aggro why would they ever choose to play the 2nd or 3rd best deck when they can just play the best deck.

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Except that is not how it works everywhere. When I was competing in magic the gathering I ran Blue/White Human agro at a massive tournament. There was also artifact/infinity agro and red deck wins there. All 3 decks were insanely good and had pros and cons. Each of those decks could do well vs the others because there wasn’t a card in one of them that just got to delete the other’s board for next to no cost.

Now, of course people will gravitate towards the best decks. Duh. I am simply saying the devs should not allow something so blatant. And, they agree with me. Paladin is catching a needed nerf.

I think the dev team has learned one important thing.
That players will still play no matter how broken the cards become.

well yes

we are having fun so we play anyway

and people will always complain no matter what ive seen people complain about alarm o bot (this was a loing time ago)!

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idk how much actual fun I have these days.
The game is fundamentally broken.
It fills a space in my day.
If there were anything closer than Marvel Snap
I would have already left.

And the main reason MTG can get away with it is because matches are best of 3 with side boards. You may have the 2nd best deck going into game 1 but game 2 and 3 are a different story after you side board. Hearthstone is a best of 1. You have no game 2 and 3 side boarding to adjust your matchup spread.