The deck you want to work, but it never will

I’ll start first. Jade golem. Really cool idea to ramp up each new minion, but it will never work because it takes too long to ramp up.

You talking original jade golem or the new deathrattle Jade Display? I was hopeful for Jade Display. You can do some fun stuff with it in wild but not really a competitive deck. They’re like Astral Automatons but harder to activate

Wheel lock

1 million characters

Force of Nature and Savage Roar 2 cards 9 mana 14 damage, but I guess it was just too broken or something

I just tried making a deck with both and 30 cards. In theory yes, in practice nope. Same issue as with either alone. You run into a zerg deck and have nothing you can do.

I don’t ever truly commit to expecting a deck to work, until after I get it to work. So truly, only decks that have previously existed but have been nerfed. Especially those that have been nerfed unjustly, when they weren’t even overpowered.

Perhaps related, I dislike people who think that nerfs are the solution to every problem that they have.

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lol what is a Zerg deck?

I love Jades, and there’s a quest jade druid I used to play in wild, still have it as one of my 27 deck slots. haven’t played or updated it for a long time. it’s really bad but it’s fun when it does what it’s supposed to do

I’ve been able make any deck work. One of the pros of starting the game F2P is my only guess as to how.

The most hilarious deck currently is Howdyfin. If it pops off at high mana with an empty hand it keeps spamming legendary murlocks to the board.

Only problem …hard to have an empty hand …at round 10.

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Oh man my favourite deck I want to create is a control deck and the win condition being ETC, the mini-set version. Elite Tauren Champion.

I think it’s my favourite card ever. I only wish it would be more expensive but never go away. And every time someone doesn’t spend their full mana they get hit with the incremental damage.

I love that card, only wish it was better <3

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Not a Starcraft player I see. Zerg is when you get overwhelmed early on because in HS your opponent plays a ton of small but deadly minions. Think imps Warlock with all the cards that you can put into that deck. It is possible to win on turn 6 or sooner with zerg deck.

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That does describe a lot of the hyper aggro decks in wild. Usually over by turn 5 when I play shadow pirate priest

Honestly aggro in standard can be like that too. I killed someone yesterday turn 5 with Paladin