The Current State Of Battlegrounds Is Horrid

It’s the worst I’ve ever experienced. The absolute canyons between high and low rolls is enormous with the recent balance changes. The removal of quests, which admittedly had their own problems, has basically removed all room for clever play.

Either you get the scaling minions before the other guy or you have literally nothing you can do about it. It’s already getting extremely stale. It feels more like a slot machine than a game at this point.

For reference, I peaked at 7185 last season.


I think all game types inside hearthstone are horribles and full of scriptings for false rng


first of all they need a anti cheat program in this game both battlegrounds and regular hearthstone your either playing against a bot or someone who has multiple names in game fix this issue this game use to be very fun now its not


I don’t believe where you peaked has anything to do with the fact that the rest of what you said is right. I don’t care if someone is at 6k or 10k, everyone’s opinion matters when it comes to if something if fun to them.

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As long as the current developers are here im afraid this is the subpar to trash product that hearthstone will continue to get. Every expansion its the same cycle of releasing broken cards again and again for their favorite classes then nerfing them once the customers have grown tired of the imbalanced meta. it seems they just want to release new and flashy overpowered cards to entice customers to try them out without regard for the balance and long term health of the game.

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The quests from last season made the game much more engaging and actually gave the lower tier heroes an actual chance.

BGs feels so 1 dimensional in its current state. Hopefully, things will change. I am actually playing standard after a 3 year hiatus. I am glad I have over 300 packs to open. Hahaha…

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Bg’s added 1 new race and 1 new hero,
But unfortunately without quests or buddies its pretty much the same game as season 1.

At least with season 1 you could argue they didn’t know what they were doing (at least the usual live launch, after ignoring all the feedback given during alpha, beta, ptr, etc). At this point, continuing to screw up like this shows they are willfully inept, and screwing the game up on purpose.

Good thing there are other modes for you to enjoy

battlegrounds is a tempo game so far, if you try to have fun. You get wiped out. probably the worst state of the gam i’ve seen so far.

You may get a top 4 finish if you go for tempo early game, but in my games everyone is leveling up faster than filling their boards. The only tempo I generally see is from economy focused heroes/minions or high rolls.

not true - the absolute stupid bailout mechanics added to the end game to give no skill players that can luck into these s.a.f minions tier 5 leeroy and the tier 6 poison minion that gets bubble and windfury and taunt - ruins so much of the fun - I have absolutely no problem losing to someone that created a nice board - but to build up a huge 300/300 terec dragon bubbled taunt and have leeroy (3 gold) one shot it (and ignore the other taunts I put up to protect it) has completely ruined this mode for me - get rid of POISON and leeroy or have poison reduce health in half rounded down on each attack after damage is applied!