The cancer of mercenaries

when will you finally fix this stupid setup? 99% of people are using it becuase they don’t have any imagination at all.


use a taunt minion and farm them lol

They 1 turn the taunt minion. With Thrall, Garosh or Lich King. Cariel is actually weak in that setup, because anytime she faces a mirror with a 2nd DPS, she dies in 1 turn, or you are forced to focus the enemy Samuro, which is an auto loss.
But I do agree, the combo is really strong, with only 1 setup that actually holds up to it. Antonidas, Ragnaross, Ghedon. Which ironically looses to Cariel xD .
However if you can pass through the mirror, there are plenty of setups you can face after. I’ve seen Tirion, Grom, Anduin, Vol’jin, Natalie, Anacondra, Diablo and many others. If Xyrella gets fixed, aka make her Luminance 4 or even 5 speed so you could actually counter play against it and the PvP will be a lot more enjoyable.

Edit: Mukla, Rexxar, King Krush is a 100% counter to that lineup.

i have them all 3 and not sure how it counters them but i will lvl them up today and have a look, if it indeed counters them i will for sure go into ranked to crush the dreams of those that use the setup.

Or maybe because those are free Mercs that everyone gets by completing the tutorial and they’re quite good.


apperantly mukla with his companion and rexxar buffing beasts is just too much stats to beat with the Samuro, Xyrella lineup.
Mukla always has priority on attacking, so he beats up the Samuro on the 2nd turn.
I like the other combo better, Rag, Geddon, Antonidas.

Everytime i meet Xyrella/Samuro aids i full roping to the end… Hope enemy is pissed same as I am. Also famous MM is fun. When you meet full 30 lvl when you have two 30 lvl and rest 20 :smiley: yeah best MM ever.

They are the best trio, and they are free which made them even better.
Thank to this trio, i can farm Cairne, Diablo, Garrosh and many mercs for free via PvE mode

The trio of F2P heroes is actually viable? How dare they do such a thing.

Notice I said “viable”, not valuable. They are what everyone gets for free, and the majority are F2P players. They are a viable team for pvp, and quite good for pve. What’s wrong with that?

I love when people start roping. I’ll sit thru it just to spite the person doing it. I don’t care if it lasts 5 min or 1 hour. Watching things on my other monitor occupies me while I wait.

Rope all you want. I accepted, long ago, the fact that there are turn time limits and some people will use every second of every turn. After over 6yrs, there’s nothing a player could do in this game that would either surprise or upset me. People been roping Ranked for years.

Good for you, for me aswell, also have two monitors :wink: But trust me there are lots of people who hate that and that warms my heart.

I also f2p and hate when all players just spam one broken build over and over again. I can´t punish blizzard so I will punish players at least.

What’s there to fix? Just because you haven’t figured out how to beat them doesn’t mean it needs to be nerfed.

Most players are using Xyrella plus Samaro, because they are two of the eight free heroes, and the opening comp usually ends up including a rare like Varden Dawngrasp.

Unfortunately this ^ comp is simply countered by The Lich King, who should say something like: “Silly F2P kids, winning is for those who pre-order.”

F2P are in for an incredible long grind before they field one of the better comps.

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