The botting situational needs a final and definitive fix

This game is infested with bots, I wouldn’t mind the longer queue times, if it means I won’t have to play against bots. Even if I stomp them, it just makes me feel like I am playing a game that isn’t real. This must stop. You need to invest more in this game, its clearly being neglected and its really upsetting when me and many other users pay money for packs, cards, and tavern passes and all we get is bot infested ranked queues.


bots are really needed to be banned

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only 2 or 3 guys said this happened and there is no way to be sure all them are saying the truth
if they are
they have to appeal until they get their account back(if you search a bit youll find out people were unbanned after a false positive for botting on wow before )

whenever something affecting several players happens it becomes easy to find a thread on reddit about it i havent seen one yet

did you ?
can you link to it ?or just writte the tittle