The bots are getting a little out of hand

I’m having trouble as a new player even finding games against real players. It’s either mages with just random numbers and letters as names with the same deck every time.

Or what I find to be much worse are the constant unholy death knight bots which always have the same names (adjective usually a color and then a random animal) that also uses the same deck every single time. is this just the new player experience or is this normal?
Idk if they’re blizzard bots or smth else doing this but i just wanna be able to fight real players with varied decks :<


I know bots exist for newer players struggling to climb the ladder. I’m assuming it has to do with your MMR.

If you can’t beat bots, then you will lose against humans. If you can beat the bots, you will rise in rank & the bots will become non-existent.

Nobody wants to start out losing every game, but that is what will happen until you learn to play well.

Your human opponents will play what they want, not what you want.

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I never mentioned anything about losing or winning. I mentioned it’s boring and frustrating to fight bots that rope every turn. Me knowing they aren’t real people really diminishes the playing experience and it’s boring to fight core mage and unholy dk for like 2 hours i’m in high silver now and i still see them.


Either you’re not winning, or you’ve just started playing; either way your MMR is very low.

Be patient & this trial by bot will end.

I don’t think I’ve ever played a bot, but then it would never occur to me to speculate about my opponent this way.





It’s pretty obvious.

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You are wrong.

When I first started playing, the game assigned me the name LuckyPants.

All names for new players are like this, if they don’t choose one themselves.

Those aren’t bots, those are human players.

I’m positive 100’s of players aren’t doing turns in half a second like a bot does in practice mode and doing stuff like coining hero power. All with the exact same deck and the exact same names.

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If you’re in practice mode than you are playing an AI.

The botting in wild is atrocious and people will claim it doesn’t exist. You can literally watch streamers go through the same struggle (roffle is a prime example). Not sure about standard, but in wild once i hit rank 5-legend at least 50 percent of my games are bots.

It’s been like this since they removed classic, I’m assuming the majority of botting probably went in there. Wish they’d bring it back so at least the bots would migrate to a different mode.

The difference between you and bots is that you care enough about your name to change them. Bots do not.

I’ve had a lot of bots the last couple of days. Quick turns that don’t make sense. I’ve been seeing a lot of weird minion decks, too. Not sure what’s up…

As usual, YOU are.

We’ve been told that the actiblizz bots don’t show up in the recent players list, and:

Are all names their bots use. This is easily verifiable the next time anyone sees one in game, and DOESN’T see the name on the recently played list. It’s an actiblizz bot.

I wish someone had a substantial answer for this.

I mean, where are my conspiracy theorists? Where are the “these are Blizzard-formed bots that top deck the perfect card each and every time” people?

Because that’s what I’m seeing.

I’ve been playing this game since beta. Many years ago, I stopped all my pre-orders or any kind of play-pass purchases because I’m pretty sick of it. I quit WoW. I stopped playing Overwatch when OW1 was axed. OW2 has been a consummate disaster.

And now I have HS. I honestly just played BGs for a while. I’ve only returned to normal play because I can play this game while doing other stuff.

And yet since I’ve played regular HS, I keep seeing these “ColorAnimal” names pop up. Each time, it’s like they have the “perfect” starting hand. Even if the play is subpar… it’s like they draw the card they “need” even if they have a fully empty hand.

For every 1 “real” player I encounter, I get about 5-6 bots. I’ve been leveling my Demon Hunter (seriously, it’s been a minute bc all the other characters I have max wins/levels on and have had this for years.)

I’m not some “whiny casual” or “new player” here. Whatever Blizzard is doing here is effectively ruining the game. Maybe the player numbers are down (because lord knows, they’d never release THAT information), perhaps this game has really tanked.

Either way… someone is afoot here.

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There’s 2 types of bots: the Blizzard Mage cose deck bots that are free wins. These exist at lower ranks or when queue times are longer and less players on, or if you’ve lost a few in a row, I suspect.

But the bigger problem are the farm DK bots.

I’ve noticed if you up your rank early enough in a season you can dodge the farm bots, but eventually some rank up as is their purpose.
While they are dumb as, they do play a high efficiency curve unholy corpse deck and if your deck either sputters and/or can’t deal with the 2/2 that raises a corpse each turn they can curve you out.

So you need to keep this in mind that your deck must be able to beat this deck a reasonable amount of time.


Lol bots exist at all ranks.


I seriously laugh at people who claim they have never seen a bot, seriously you have MOST DEFINITELY played a bot…

Not talking about the Blizzard bots, they are obvious because they dont show up in the player list, im talking about botting accounts, these accounts (mostly) are farming for good cards and then get sold. They’re absolutely rampant on US server in standard platinum rank currently. While names are not a give away 100% , theres some that are, if you see colour**creature (like say GreyOgre etc) chances are its a bot… They are mostly DK’s (but do see a few warrior, in the past it was a lot of curse warlocks but they seem to have gone) and they play exactly the same way, i think these ones are running a script or macro, if they get the starting hand they want and you have a crap draw they can be very hard to beat depending on what your playing and your starting hand, often when you get to turn 8+ they play that slow they rope out every turn without using all their mana or playing available minions. Theres also AI software bots that play differently. Do they exist above platinum? I guess they probably do but i have never been out of platinum. All i can say is that in standard platinum on US server, during of peak times they far outnumber actual humans, something akin to 3 to 1 or even more. By all means convince yourself you haven’t seen them and all the times you win its against a human, i prefer to live in reality though…

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