Thanks you Blizzard

Where am I glad that Blizzard finally just took some responsibility and banned Russian player.
It took a long time for Blizzard to do as similar companies, but better late than never.
It is great to see Blizzard after a long time finally show the consideration of human life as more important than their earnings, just like other companies with respect for human life.
I wondered why it was going to take so long, I thought it was mysterious the indifference that reigns for the lives of others, but now I finally escaped to interrupt games with Russian as my conscience did not reach those games.

a drop in the bucket, yesterday I entered a videogame pub where there were at least 20 PCs running hearthstone bots and whoever wanted could play with free gold in the arena or play with all the cards, absurd, a colossal scam against those who pay …I reported it but no one responded to me and I’ve been reporting these things for years, my city is full of people with forklifts where bots roam :sweat_smile:

I don’t get it. What did the average Russian gamer do to get blocked?

Isn’t it better to let them play Hearthstone instead of them waging war and shooting?

Also why would a gaming company have a meaning about the war? Let them stay neutral.
What’s next?
Wikipedia blocking people from reading the Putin page?
Google censoring news about Russia?


Where did you hear or see they did this? I don’t really think that’s a good thing. People that are playing video games are not shooting Ukrainians while they play which is a good thing.

This. If the company had standards, they would have blocked their home country during the Iraq war, and especially blocked their good friends in the regime for the decade of genocide against the Uyghurs.

But the regime ispends more around the world, so they only cut ties after they had a falling out.

" In a message to company staff, Activision Blizzard president and COO Daniel Alegre said the company is committed to help those impacted by the “terrifying violence” and to provide assistance “in every way possible”.

“I want to reassure you that the safety of our employees is our leadership team’s top priority,” Alegre said in a statement* “We are doing everything possible to assist employees, and their families, who are being directly affected by this tragedy.”"

ht tps://

Though, in typical actiblizz fashion they literally couldn’t find Russia on a map and blocked many people from The Ukraine as well.

*original statement:

ht tps://

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I’m pretty sure the Uyghurs have a BIG caveat on that statement. Because for ten years, while one of the worst human rights abusers on the planet has (and still) is carrying out genocide against the Uyghurs, actiblizz (along with most companies) continued to do business with the regime.

What makes actiblizz more odious is they refused to divest themselves from tencent, didn’t cut ties with the regime or make similar bans in the name of “consideration of human life” but instead took blood money because the bottom line mattered more than human lives. And of course, let the regime dictate game content for years.

Just like every other country, company, and individual who chose to play in the Olympic games the regime hosted. No bans, hardly any outcries against the genocide and human rights abuses of the regime, more people complained about their ACCOMMODATIONS than they did what the regime has done, is doing, and will continue to do to people.

Because a moral stance that costs you nothing (banning the Russian playerbase) vs one that actually would (taking a stand against a lucrative market like the regime) means companies don’t care about the causes they claim to, they care more about money.

And the fact that so many celebrities, companies, etc actively propagandize for one of the worst human rights abusers out there shows you how much their blood money has bought off people.

to be fair i presume the russian playerbase was worth SOME money to them.

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Obviously not enough, and nowhere near the regime’s blood money. And obviously not enough that they didn’t care about banning people from The Ukraine too.

Like every scummy mega corp’s social stances, it’s just theater designed to distract from what they do to their customers, and the rest of the planet the rest of the time.

they’re just a video game company, the worst thing they can do is use a lot of electricity really. people buy their stuff that’s on the people.

Do a deep dive on actiblizz some time. There a LOT of people out there who wished they worst they did was waste electricity. Especially people who used to work there.

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i guess i did forget about the sexual harassment. that’s not the company though that’s rogue employees and I hope they’ve fixed that by now.

i’m no saint either but i don’t even have a job. i should probably be dead but oh well.


When they are able to create the “cosby room” it’s more than just a few rogue employees. And when multiple board members donates to the state governor’s reelection campaign (more than once) and he later turns around and fires the lead prosecutor on the case as he’s in the middle of working on this exact issue, then the board itself does their “we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing”…it reaches all the way to the top.

Not the only issue, but a big one.

Sure, but if you can say you haven’t reached THIS level of corruption, then you can at least say you aren’t doing that bad in life. We can all improve, but there are some (especially in the corpo life path) who seem to revel in living in the darkest, scummiest places. Then visiting that evil on others.

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he treats everyone working at blizzard as if they were some kind of hive mind( he doesnt seem to realize hes putting the victim in the same bag)

Post a quote where I stated that, or admit again you are committing fraud again: a crime, and a violation of coc.

As usual, the company bot minimizes what the company did. There wasn’t just one victim. And naturally, you called them all “tools” more than once.

Typical actiblizz scumminess.

And I’ll hazard a guess you STILL can’t admit any wrongdoing from what the company did, either on the workplace harassment issue, the racist ban on the entire Russian playerbase, or their hypocrisy on not taking a stand against their friends in the regime until the regime soured on them.

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i lot track you do it almost every single time

and something else… you seem to be stuck using the same text on your posts as if you were stuck in some kind of loop

didnt you post all those walls of text word by word before ? i think you are copy pasting waaay to much

and not a good idea to open several tabs to post
i can tell you are posting on multiple tabs at the same time because you are clearly reacting to something someone else wrote somewhere else

only the first few words on the firs sentence are in response to my post

then seems you are answering to someone ( who isnt even on this thread )

I think you broke the bot, Boba :smiley:

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If your enjoyment of the game was balanced on a country’s civilians being able to play a game then you need to find some help.

Let’s take “random off topic projection bot posts,” for $5000, Alex.

Top kek. I’ve never seen it in need of emergency maintenance before.

Bringing it back to the topic at hand: the problem with actiblizz’s hypocrisy on this and other issues is striking, and it doesn’t seem like it will improve under microsoft.