Thank you Microsoft Activision blizzard

First i want to say thank you blizzard for finally giving me one of the items i was looking for.
Secondly your 50% win rate algorithm is trash, this is the reason so many people feels as though this game is rigged, you can tell when your going to lose or win, for the past week or so, I’ve been in a 50% winrate loop, with my mage its always a fantastic lost to a deathknight, then a slaughter against your TOS breaking bots. The game flow follows the same path, on the losing game all cards i need to be competitive also comes up missing, and vice versa on the winning game, even if stop playing for a while and come back it jumps me back into that loop.

Microsoft Activision blizzard, This will not pique my interest into purchasing anything from you, knowing i can predict my outcome with a 70% accuracy rate.

Now let the boogey people from under bridge free!!!


There is no such algorithm. 50% winrate is the logical result of pairing players with the same record against each other.

Victories are “rewarded” with a more difficult opponent next time.


Let’s see your data

Clearly you have data proving this and not what one would call “Cuz” theories

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If a religious person gave inarguable proof that said deity exist, to an atheist do you honestly believe that will change that atheist mind?
My point is whether i gave proof or not, the ones asking for it won’t believe it, it will be always well you misplayed on turn X, you didn’t mulligan correctly, something other than what it is.

Thank you for responding!

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You’re welcome!

Also, we aren’t talking about religion here. It’s a video game. And if you offered ME once and for freakin’ all undeniable proof, why should I not believe it? However, none of these crazy theories put on these forums by people who can’t accept you can lose games as well as win ever come with proof. Nothing ever.

Thanks for reading!

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If you want proof, try this don’t play for a season and start at the minimum star level the following season.
Let me know how that works out for you.

Yes, i have tried this myself— in case you wanted to know

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That’s not how this works

You put forth the theory. YOU need to do the work and make me see what you’re saying.

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For the moment it is still Robert Kotick who runs Blizzard and not Microsoft. We have to wait until January 2024 for him to leave the company and then a few more months to see the beginning of change.

You should never have posted that; it’s like chumming the water.

doubt he was going to be the first post defending the company.

While the devs have said they have kept the winrate as close to 50% as possible, which would seem odd if that’s a natural outcome. One doesn’t need to ensure something happens if it’s a natural outcome…unless it wasn’t natural.

If I told you I was making the sun rise tomorrow, you’d be skeptical, since we know the laws of nature, gravity, and all the fun stuff.

However, if I talked about creating a system that made the sun rising a 50% chance and would ensure it would stay as close to that as possible, and it started acting funny that way…you’d begin to wonder if in fact I had done something to mess with the laws of nature, gravity, and all that fun stuff.

We know they mess with matchmaking due to the patent, and how diablow immoral payportal shows us what happens when you p2w so much you pay yourself right out of the system. We know the deck can track and scan for cards, top, bottom, and so on. It can even find specific numbers, copies, etc of cards in your deck to destroy them.

None of this is “conspiracy” it’s based on every card they’ve given us that interacts with the deck on OUR side. That’s how much they let us peek behind the curtain on how they can and do influence the deck.

From everything so far, they really haven’t said much that implies much will change, aisde from shuffling out redundant staff.

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At the moment blizzard is in a transition phase, it is still Kotick who is in charge and all the announcements (example blizzcon) are made by blizzard and not microsoft.

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That’s for actiblizz; actiblizz has zero control over what microsoft says or does. First thing Monday morning, microsoft could announce the new dress code as Alliance t-shirts, declare the Alliance the winners of The Fourth War, and that all current and future employees must denounce the past wrongs of the company as a condition of employment.

And since they have already started firing people, it’s clear that microsoft already is making moves behind the scenes. And since they have ALREADY made announcements (a bunch of fluff about dei, and the like) it’s clear they have zero problems talking about stuff…they just haven’t said anything substantive about what the quality of the games are going to be here going forward.

For Microsoft to finally have control of the company, they must first settle a lot of administrative and legal documents, this cannot be done in 5 minutes (it takes time) hence the transition phase with the former CEO still in charge.

This is why Robert Kotick took the opportunity during blizzcon to announce 3 retail extensions (unheard of) so microsoft will have to do them (a nice arm of honor from kotick towards microsoft :rofl:).

Obviously they are working details out, and microsoft is obviously making policy changes. Hence, people are already being let go and making announcements about things months ago (well before they even had their legal case settled).

Or do you think they are just letting people go because they felt like firing people on the eve of an acquisition?

And microsoft can cancel them just as easily: look up the “forward looking statement” bit on their website.

The layoffs had started before the acquisition was finalized so it was Kotick’s initiative.

They happened from nowhere with zero warning, per the people who were fired. So clearly it wasn’t anyone at actiblizz’s doing.

So he also forced microsoft to make the announcements too. About stuff that would be taking place after he was gone. Apparently, he’s just that powerful.*


Is kotic in the room with you now?

*just not enough to keep from getting the boot himself.
Ironic…he could save others from unemplyment, but not himself.