Thank you for increasing the prices

They want to capitalize on some money now that China is out :)))…

Yes! Activision-Bli$$ard sell little datadisk for lowvalue game as a AAA game price :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :poop:
(game where you recycle asets from another game)


Let’s not forget that given the opportunity they can even take an AAA game sell it as a remade but manage to get it to a stupid lower quality than before.


No, now you’re paying what everyone else has been paying for years. Blizzard increased prices in those countries so people don’t buy cheaper packs that used to cost pennies in comparison to normal prices.

so “everyone else” been paying half their minimum wage for a pre order?

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From Blizzard:

With the 25.4 update, the price of various in-game items in Hearthstone has been increased for certain countries and regions, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Georgia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. These adjustments are active on all platforms and storefronts. Any initial disparities in platform pricing will be resolved shortly.

From Out of Cards:

Blizzard changed the pricing to be a direct conversion from USD to local currencies instead of adjusting them to local economies.

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It’s so cute to see people who “quit” the game still browse and write in the forums.

Stop lying on the forums to make yourself seem hip. You say you quit the game while you’re probably in the middle of a match.

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I was curious about this as well, as far as I know in Aus they take the US price convert to AUD then round up to a round number.

unless they do something like rounded down(US*exchange rate+ hidden price charge ) rounded down to AUD.

This would allow them to say they are subsidising Australia while at the same time they are pocketing Hidden price charge. where subsidy = 5$ and hidden price charge = $20


Microsoft has nothing to do with it. They haven’t merged yet, and depending on what a judge rules, they might never.

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You’re trolling, again.

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Honest Question: Why are you here?

Shouldn’t you take this Social Justice Keyboard Warrior Shtick to Reddit, where it belongs?

Oh, & yes, I flagged this comment for conspicuous trolling.

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I know for me its more expensive to buy through the phone than with razergold exchange.

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I do agree with the lack of proper moderation and the community mod is either biased way left or right. Boba’s passionate repetitions make me laugh i must say. :joy:


its just sad, bad move


Obviously, people in the USA and most EU countries were already paying the now adjusted price tag, but that’s not really the point. I think what people are pissed off about is how detached from reality these new prices can be in their countries.

And this complaint would still hold true even if players from other countries that aren’t as wealthy as the USA were already paying the USD equivalent. This means the reverse should happen (players in those countries should have access to localized prices to be able to afford the game)

Consider the following scenario:

A pre-order pack for the UK (which is where I play from) goes for £69.99 I think?, but let’s consider USD prices, say 80 USD. For 2022 the minimum wage in the USA was 7.25/h (or 1160/m) USD, that’s not even 10% of the minimum wage… Now, it’s on the pricey side, but one could say it is affordable and within the price range for an entertainment commodity (like buying other games). Cool.

Now let’s compare that to Brazil (Because their economy is somewhat stable. I’d say comparing to Turkey, Argentina or Ukraine would be unfair due to their current scenario)

Their minimum wage (converted to USD) for 2022 was 230.97/m USD. Now that same 80 USD is equivalent to almost 30% of the minimum wage.

Realistically speaking, other games aren’t looking much cheaper (or rather localized). A quick google search reveals that releases are floating around the 60-80 USD mark in Brazil.

Blizz isn’t really doing anything unusual (or unheard of), but these countries had better access to the game with a much healthier pricing strategy.

IMO we don’t have access to the new pricing impact, and whether or not this was the right move for Blizz. Each one of us should analyze those actions and decide whether or not we want to continue to support the game. It’s very easy for us already paying that price to feel that it doesn’t impact us, but we have to consider the player base for TCGs nowadays is already minimal, and I’d love to see Blizzard actually investing in bringing more players, and not the other way around.

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This has been the complaint for years, whereas other companies (steam for examples) actually ate the price conversion rather than taking a racist stance that forced players to pay for the “privilege” of playing their games.

The pro company crowd will heckle with “don’t play if you can’t pay” but that ignores the company’s own stance on supposedly being “inclusive” for players EVERYWHERE.

Apparently, they should update their motto to “let everyone who can’t pay first world prices (even if they don’t make first world wages) eat cake.”

Steam has shown that it is possible to force publishers to operate under location-sensitive pricing, but maybe that’s because of the scale on which they operate.

I think the phenomenon you are describing is closer to a lack of empathy (I know people dislike this), but people tend to feel like “Well, I was already paying 80 USD for the pre-release for years, and you’ve never heard me complaining, why should someone else be able to pay 40 instead? Why are we the only ones biting the bullet here?”

I don’t blame people tho, this can also be extremely frustrating because you feel like people are exploiting you as well (by “forcing” you to pay more). Especially if you consider that even though it is a “wealthy” country, people can still struggle financially.

IMO a company like Blizzard should be able to operate at a global scale without forcing the consumers to clash about pricing strategies. You always see people arguing over these changes, but in cases like Steam where they just “get it done and that’s it”, you rarely see people worrying about it

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if you quit two years ago you shold have about 150 packs waiting for you there for free to catch you up.
I agree their monetization is awful but their retention system isnt bad if you quit for a while.

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I don’t take issue with customers (though the pro company troll posters who show up to somehow defend the “poor multibillion dollar company” is another issue entirely).

This, exactly. Especially when a company like actiblizz has such a large profit margin and invest so little of it back into improving their servers, game stability, etc.

This is pure greed (bordering on, if not outright racism), and everyone who isn’t blindly defending the company knows it

I spent the cost of 24 coffees, for my mega bundle pre-order. I think that works out to be 7 hours at minimum wage.

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