Thaddius, the Deckslayer

Saw this posted on Zeddy and even Dane got pissed off, not like him at all. How many decks will Blizz let Thaddius kill before they just ban the card? It seems ridiculous they they continue to let the card dominate the most uninteractive decks all while banning the pieces around it. man they banned pyro which was literally the most dog card until someone found out how to break it, not with pyro, but with Thaddius. Please blizz, stop allowing so much mana cheat, I don’t think anyone truly enjoys it, and if they do, they are a minority amongst the amount of people trying to have a fun non frustrating experience.

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This game is trash, Thaddius is a card to delete but it’s not the only card, you have a lot of stupid cards.

never seen a sludge deck with pyrotechnician

only druid

if someone been using sludge deck with thadius before the buffs it was terrible because the last vs report called warlocka dead class

so this "deckslayer "bit isnt true

I do agree on the mana cheat. Playing everything for free once Thaddius is on board is just dumb. There is no skill needed only money to buy packs and dust to craft cards.

Thaddius will rotate out soon, but yeah it’s always the same problem. The meta is ruined and people stop playing. Because there is no fun playing. You need ranked for achievements, you need win for rewards, so your stuck facing OTK’s.

Imagine complaining about a tier 3 deck that needs an obscene high roll to beat you. This is what happens every time warlock gets a remotely playable deck. The whining police come in because they’re hurt a deck high rolled them ONE game. Play this deck. It’s trash. Warlock is the most nerfed class in the game. And not because of it being S tier or tier 1 decks. Because “feelings”. You just want your god awful Paladin meta back?

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LOL. Meta Ruined! This deck hardly sees play and is the worst version of the sludge decks out there.

I can’t play it, I don’t have the cards for it. The problem isn’t that this deck is trash. The problem is the OTK that it delivers. Be glad many people haven’t got the skill or cards to play this, otherwise you will see it more and more.

The meta is ruined because it’s the same decks over and over again. There is no variation. Nobody plays something unique cause it’s not holding up in the current meta. Wild is an even worse format and Twist is abondoned for that. The lack of variation. Don’t believe me, look up how many people hit legend and start playing funky decks with cool variation.
But standard climbing the ladder is all : out comes… Astalor, yet again. Or whatever OP Titan they got. If you don’t get this,you failed to understand why Hearthstone numbers are falling and why many people stop playing this game.

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The way mana cheat is today, I wonder why even put the initial cost on the cards in the first place. The way it is now, it just delays the game because you had to discover or forge or excavate or play a card prior or had to draw it this turn etc etc.

I’m honestly curious, as you say, too, what the actual ratio is of people who think mana cheat is okay vs those who think it’s a bit much. Also, I am still waiting for the day it’s an automatic written into the code thing where NO card can be reduced below 1, excluding cards such as The Coin, Innervate and so on.

Except that you forgot a big detail, Microsoft’s match-fixing. An f2p account when it comes across a Thaddius warlock, it always takes the ultra lucky exit from the warlock and will always be otk before turn 8 (for example an f2p account if it encounters 20 warlocks, it will take 20 otk each time times before turn 8, yes 100% good warlock exit).

Yes the game is rigged, yes it is illegal but Microsoft leaves the algorithm in place so Microsoft is for this kind of illegal cheating.