Thaddius; Like, Really?

I genuinely hate making these posts. I really do. But you are just not good at designing well thought out mechanics. You’re not.

Thadius was summoed via Amorphus Slime on turn 5. Like please, please stop this garbage. Please, I sued to enjoy this game, now it’s just a chore to even attempt.

Please stop the garbage, please.


I mean I also hate this kind of turn 5 highrolls, but the deck has a very low winrate and you hardly see it on ladder. I’m at 3k legend and havent seen that deck in ages.

Even though it does feel like crap to lose to this turn 5 highroll, you can just accept it and move on.

I will gladly take losing to this highroll once every 30 games, than facing frost and blood DK half of my games.

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suing to enjoy a game…thats weird


Are you sure about that?


So is making lame jokes.

OP makes thread like this one every day

arent meant to be taken seriously

In this case, he ain’t wrong. Most classes are not fun to match against. They’re just a slog.

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Blizzard should rename it to

Astalor Bloodsworn-stone

Only 1 Thadius by turn 5? Lucky…

I wonder what the lawsuit looked like. I’d be interested to see the details of it and Blizzard response, let alone the judge, however, I doubt it ever got that far.

Yes, please stop, Please stop indeed.

Phen, honestly, let’s be real. You like this game because you care enough to post religiously. You just don’t like when you lose. You don’t like when you get countered because all of your posts are directly tied to scenarios where you got countered. If you actually embrace that there’s going to be some part of the game that you will absolutely hate, and focus on the parts you can control, you’re level of enjoyment will increase.

Trashing the game and calling for heads to roll at Blizzard simply isn’t going to change anything.

I sincerely hope that you can eventually shed the hatred you have for this game so that it no longer feels like a Chore. Because if not, why play a game that feels like its a chore when you can just play Overwatch and take our your frustrations by killing Mercy.

I can’t say I blame you for being angry. The amount of power creep has truly gotten out of control over the past few expansions.

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