Text Error Or Incompetence?

I don’t care if you’re unaware of the history of Blizzard. Their MO is half-truths.

Everyone else sees they dun goofed and then “lawyer” themselves out.

They never admit their mistakes. They write 4 pages of excuses.

I dont care about YOUR MO either, yet you spew it here on a daily basis.

Provide evidence of your claims, or at make it clear that your claims are only your opinion instead of trying to pass them off as fact.

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Chill. You’re not a Dev. I just understand their marketing bs better than you.

I play Blizzard games since 2004. It’s the company culture.

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Neither are you. Naybe you should apply to be one as you think you are better at it than them. They are always hiring after all!

Is that all? Been playing Blizzard games since Warcraft 2 in the mid-late 90’s.

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I meant to type 2004. Old people like me find 10 years to be peanuts.

You’re easily convinced if you aren’t aware of their sugarcoatings.

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No, you are so set in your agenda that you refuse to accept the reality that your opinion exists nowhere outside of your head. Thats fine, just dont try and pass your opinion off as fact.

Lots of disgruntled ex-employees of Blizz. None come forward and support your (dodgy) claims. Ever!

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Nice conspiracy theory, because someone dared to question your beloved Devs.

Some of us see through their bs get over it.

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You are the one spewing conspiracy theories, mate. Your opinion is not based in reality. If it were there would be actual evidence of it. So bring the evidence.

What BS? The only BS i see is from you when you twist what they say to suit YOUR agenda!

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It’s also the only one of those in core and therefore in standard atm.

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Decades of the same behavior. Last week alone they were spamming people with excuses about the game-breaking Titan bug. RidiculousHat on overdrive trying to convince us that it was perfectly normal to take that long.

An one-person project would fix a game-breaking bug within 4 hours of discovery.

Those people are incompetent occasionally and NEVER admit it (ALWAYS excuses).

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Then put your money where your mouth is if youre so good. Apply for a Dev job at Blizzard. Fix those bugs in 4 hours and develop the simulator you believe they should be using for balance in a game with literally millions of variables to account for. The latter you could actually do without being employed by them, so do it. Just like the DPS simulator authors for WoW have for many years.

Easy to throw stones.

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By your logic, “abolish elections, since you don’t want to be President yourself”.

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That’s fine man. You can have that viewpoint. But you gotta stop going around telling the rest of us that we are wrong because we don’t share your viewpoint.

See? You keep on claiming your opinion as though it were fact, like you have some inside knowledge no one else is privy to. This is exactly what I’m talking about.


No. It’s your problem that you feel threatened others have opinions.

I don’t see you feeling threatened when others agree with you.

Do they bring hard evidence every time?

No but it conveniences you to like it.

It’s not threatening. And fair enough, you don’t have to stop (of course you don’t).

But if you want us to engage with you in future discussions on other things and take you seriously and value your opinion, constantly telling everyone they are wrong and asserting your opinion as if it’s some hard fact and we’re all ignorant for not sharing your special opinion is just a weird take to have.

Imagine if you have a friend that believes in Flat Earth. And every time you say the word globe or round around them, they say “you mean flat”. After so many times, you would likely say “dude, stop we get it” and then they say “oh, now you’re threatened by me”. It’s that same vibe my man.

You continually assert your opinion as fact when there’s no way you can know the truth and you act as if we’re the ignorant ones who “don’t get it”.

And “you’re unaware of the history, man” is equivalent to a Flat Earther saying “you just haven’t researched it, man”. You don’t have evidence, you have pure opinion based on feelings.

Fine, I get it. The devs are little liars in your eyes and they lie and lie and lie.

But I’m not as keen on calling someone a liar without hard evidence, so constantly jabbing and interjecting with replies correcting us by telling us they are liars literally adds nothing of value.


You are responsible. I say an opinion based on tangible evidence I gathered in years like seeing them throwing bs about the delay of the Titans-bug. Then you come in producing a long list of replies telling me to stop doing that.

No: I just see a pattern with their marketing-bs that is repeating always and never deviates (e.g. they always sugarcoat their mistakes with no exception) and I believe they do it again even when it’s not too obvious to others.

PS sometimes it’s a matter of professional experience (e.g. it’s embarrassing to be slow at game-breaking bug fixing (but others with no experience on that may believe it’s normal to have a delay of a week)).

Guys, chill. Take it down a notch or two.

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Legendary · Minion · The Great Dark Beyond · Battlecry: If you

someone explain why this doesnt work with shudderblock and make what you say make sense

this doesnt say anything about dealing dmg, it does something with brings up a menu just like kalimos or brukan, but the dmg is stopped, whats the deal?


Once the first Starship is launched you’re no longer building a Starship, so there is no target for the 2nd and 3rd procs of Shudder to hit.

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Based on the posts you make here, you really don’t understand much of anything, honestly.

Their position is rooted in faith, so attempts to fight it with logic or reason are futile.

Did you not watch Schyla and I have a disagreement in this very thread without any of the issues you bring to discussions? Where he thinks they should either let it affect everything or affect nothing, but the half measure of nerfing Kalimos is wrong? I can see his point and respect his view, but I disagree because I see a distinct difference where he doesn’t.

Guess what… we’re both right because we’re arguing opinions.

You, on the other hand, are denying facts because they don’t fit your narrative.

I mean, this is who they are, so respond knowing exactly what you’re going to get out of it…

SHouldn’t it launch the ship three times? lol.

I think they’re asking why the Offensive Formation doesn’t hit face like the evocation does.