Teron Gorefiend not be offered in lobbies w/o beast/undead

I really dislike this choice from the Battlegrounds team. It can have niche uses with avenge and cards like Trickster/warden of old/Juggler/Buster etc. Getting 2 coins from warden or 2 full trickster health buffs make the hero fine enough to not exclude it from the pool. It feels like they are forcing the hero to played a certain way. I quite enjoy the freedom BG’s offer, even if it is unconventional.

It’s strange they don’t offer an explanation. If you’re going to make a move such as banning a Hero from certain pools of minions, at least let the players know why.

I agree completely. I understand the recent change with Greybough and N’zoth, as they can be practically dead without certain minion types. But the new hero seems “good” with almost everything.

I have never encountered this hero and I have the pass so one would think I would have been offered it with my pick 4 option. I wasnt even aware there was another new hero than the zombie doctor guy.

Not offering a hero and basing that decision on the minion pool isnt new. You wont find Chanvala or whatever the blue guy’s name is, in a lobby that doesnt include elementals. Same for the pirate power hero. That isnt saying that because these heroes are offered, then the minion pools include elementals and pirates, its the inverse. Its because elementals and pirates are in the pool, they are even offered at all. Now, the inverse direction is being applied, if X or Y minion pools are in the game, then this hero wont be offered. That particular direction of the same idea is a new spin.

Still, would be nice to encounter the hero ever.

oops, I seem to have misunderstood, Teron ONLY is offered when both beasts and undead are in the game. I thought it was the other way around. My mistake. But the concept still isnt new as I stated before. Besides, his power is only helpful if there are a healthy number of deathrattle/reborn minions to take advantage of it. Demons have a few deathrattles, mechs have a healthy amount to pick from, and I believe pirates have just one, quilboar have 1 i think, Naga have just the one, i dont think dragons have any at all, and i know elementals have only the one and its one of them super endgame ones. And for reborns its mainly just the one dragon, the one mech, most undead, and beast can put it on any other beast. Im not aware of any other tribes with reborn that arent most of undead.