Team 5 Fails Again

Why build a release around starships and starship decks are B tier at best with the exception of hunter. Bliz needs to reevaluate their strategy and player focus. If you want turn 5-6 aggro and otk decks running the meta, you can probably cut half your staff because the creativity is minimal.


im fine with the starship decks. Atleast its not yet another new absurdly OP meta we cant escape from

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I understand. Sometimes, change for the sake of change can be exhausting. It’s good to have a moment to breathe and appreciate what we already have.
Hopefully, things will stay balanced and fun for a while.

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Yeah Starships kind of fell flat. I don’t think I have ran a single one. The only piece I see played is the Armor-generating one and that’s in fringe Priest decks that can milk the armor by resurrecting it.

What bothers me about them the most is the design is very short-sighted. By next year (much sooner at this rate) the mechanics for the current expansion will be forgotten about, hardly supported and no one will touch the cards again. Why would I spend money on an expansion with cards that are no fun to play?

I want to see some mechanics that actually have legs beyond an expansion (or two if lucky). Forge? Great mechanic, fits in many places. Tradeable? Evergreen now and in multiple sets. Dual class? Gimme more please.

But for each mechanic that people love, there seems to be one or two that either stink or just aren’t fun. Anyone remember Inspire? Adapt? The terrible Witchwood transforming mechanic? Unidentified items? No? Anyone? crickets