Tavern Pass question

Hi, just getting into Hearthstone and having a lot of fun. I was thinking of getting the tavern pass but didn’t know if this is the right time to get it or should I wait till july 17th (?) When the next expansion comes out.


If you really, really like the diamond card and want it and everything else on the first few pages in your collection then get it.

Otherwise wait until the new expansion comes out. You won’t get far in the current tavern pass.

You shouldn’t.

You’ll have 15 days to try and complete something people have had over 3 months to finish.
Your rewards won’t justify your spending.

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Thanks for the replies! I will wait.

Also, a note to blizzard - Maybe I missed it but you should list how much time is left for the Tavern pass. If I was a new new player ( I’ve known about hearthstone since released but never really played it) - And I bought the tavern pass and it expired a few days later I would be pretty upset. But maybe you have this listed somewhere and I missed it - if so disregard.


The date the current tavern pass expires is shown in the Blizzard shop.

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The in game shop? I recall it only tells you “when the next season starts” or something like that. Pretty sure you have to go to the BattleNet app’s store or blizzard’s store’s website itself in browser, to see that info about the expiration for the pass.

Yeah in game it gives you nothing at all to know when either the tavern pass or the battlegrounds pass will end and the next is expected. Even clicking the little i for more info just sends to a blizz page about buying packs and details unrelated to the question posed about their expirations for passes.

I had to go to the launcher app’s store which is not the instinctual place one would look for this information since it honestly should be visible in the in game store too.


The tavern pass is fun for many reasons. Faster uh… progress. Access to portraits and a couple of cards are nice too.

Like other people said this one is almost finished. But you could certainly look into the next one.

If you have a bunch or portraits or a good amount of gold or overall stuff, you might not need the tavern pass. I do think you get a custom coin for getting the pass. At least you used to.

But yeah, i recently made level 100 so the end of this season is probably pretty close.