Tavern Brawl - no thanks

How about wasting the majority of players time with a Tavern brawl most players won’t be able to do.


Most players can just open the card library on the website (or just google), type the name of the cards they have in hand, see the artwork of the minion, find it (or the lack of it) on their screen, and connect the dots
It barely takes a few minutes


If people have to access the card library just to finish it that says it all.


That says it all about those players.
They can’t design brawls that suit all the player base at the same time, that’s just not possible.

If you’re a new player, yeah just “cheat” on your browser, it will take like 3 to 5 minutes, and enjoy your free pack
If you’re experienced enough you can know a third/half of the cards, at least the legendaries and a handle of other ones. The others you can just guess based on the art, effect and theme

I’ve completed it 5 times, in about 15 tries I’d say.
One time my final minion was a greenish dragon, I couldn’t get an obvious name but one name was “emerald something”
Another time the last minion was a humanoid that drew demons and one of the names was “nethersomething somethingelse”

As a long time player I like the idea, and I’m not bothered by failing some attempts.

If a player doesn’t have the patience to take a few tries, or doesn’t accept to lose (as it seems to become a common theme nowadays) thta says more about the player than it says about the game

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don’t agree with you. Things need to be designed for the majority of players and should be able to be completed in-game. I think most players would disagree with you. That said I finished it without accessing a card library, but I played the game since Beta.

Most people have not played this game that long so to expect them to know all these cards is ridiculous.

By the way no one cares how many times you completed it or how easy you find it as it is obvious the majority of players will not.

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I’m just dislaying how I made it work to support my prior explanation of my thinking. I’m not boasting.

In a game where players netdeck what they play you feel like this makes sens ?
There are plenty of examples of solo content in Hearthstone that often requires players to go online to find a solution

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Yeah don’t agree with you learn to accept it.

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Often the name matches the picture, for the last remaining ones I went by exclusion, I liked it :v::sparkles:

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I just used google lens on my phone pointed at the card images on my pc monitor and i got the names instantly and could just find the name in my hand to match it. Got it in one go fairly quickly, less than 2 or 3 mins tops. never saw a rope or anything like it. The only card I actually knew the name of in mine was shudderwock. all the rest I have never even seen them before.

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You…you realize the internet exists right? You are connected to it right now.

I can accept that you singular opinion is not the same as mine
I can also accept that my opinion is different from many other players
But I will still defend my ideas when you speak in the name of the majority when it is just your undocumented thinking and said majority has not given you their voices, especially when you throw things like “no one cares about you”.
Talk about accepting disagreements after that

No. This is why games kinda suck for the most part. They shouldn’t have to dumb things down for your sake.

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Sooo those saying to simply “Google the card names” are freely admitting to cheating to win this week’s tavern brawl? On the forums? :rofl: hope no one starts reporting those accounts.

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if game mode requires you to type google, then there is something wrong with it

The entitlement in the OP is strong

Highly debatable
If you don’t know the answer to a quiz and you google it, does that mean there’s something wrong with the quiz ?

Yes, if you expect it being solved by juniors too. Otherwise, true, a tavern brawl that’s just for 1 of 100 people playing the game. Fair

If you’re on a quiz show, the producers would consider that cheating. If you were in school/classes, the professors would consider it cheating.

In both cases, cheaters would be punished accordingly.

Botting in Hearthstone is considered cheating. Using Google to complete the tavern brawl should be considered cheating and cheaters need to be punished accordingly.

I was fine with it. Got it down to four and looked up the rest. Not passing up the last free pack to hold right before new expansion.

Never have I stated that it was in a scenario where it was considered cheating
So let’s rephrase the question :
If you don’t know the answer to a quiz, and you google it, and it is not forbidden, does that mean there’s something wrong with the quiz ?