Taking a break till 18 or 19th January and happy year

Happy new year to all may you all achieve your goals for this year :slight_smile:

Just im abit too negative on forums and in game ive been abit tilted on il be honest deleting topics because i am abit unhappy dragon treant and aggro paladin.

I do realise some people like these decks even tough i do consider them abit less skil intensive.

Hopefully i can comeback in a better friendlier state of mind and be my old self :slight_smile:

Il stil do dailies .

very good, in the meantime 99% of hearthstone players will farm for free with bots turned on 24 hours a day

I took a week vacation from my job but I’ll still go to work and do some tasks :clown_face:

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The forums are a cesspool of toxic players. It doesn’t help when Blizzard does little to maintain the so called Positive experience they claim they want their player base to have when engaging on here.

However, the good thing is… there are some decent players on here, and toxic players only get to you if you let them.

But it is good to take a break from time to time. Happy New Year, and see you when you are back. :slight_smile: