"Surrendering when Reno pops" Movement

I’ve recently started playing Hearthstone again and I have a lot to talk about, but I’m just going to focus on one thing so it doesn’t get too long.

In all honesty from you (players and users), what do you really expect from a card game that has 11 classes, hundreds of cards, and endless possible combinations of moves?

You choose a class of your liking, take an interest in its mechanics, understand the gameplay, train and have fun with and against possible opponents.

Then you start to understand and mentally study the possibilities of confrontation that you can face and start to create your deck according to what may come.

You synergize your cards, you create new cards with arcane dust, you buy packs to be able to increase your collection, money, time, involvement, effort, all of that is spent here.

Suddenly, you decide to advance in ranked content and are faced with unpleasant situations. Opponents who don’t have minions, only spells that cancel everything you try to do. They cancel your minion cast, your card draw, your spell cast, they cancel you, they cancel your game. You can’t do anything. All that’s left is for you to cross your arms and be held hostage by a game you can’t play.

Until a wonderful moment arises, where you can PLAY! YAY! So you play your minions, you start reassembling your board (which until then was being a board game without cards), you synergize what you had in mind as a strategy to try to win, or get something close to that and than… the “minionless opponent” plays Reno.

What to say? What to do? You don’t have any more cards, you don’t have any more minions, you don’t have anything else. And the minionless opponent plays two or three spells and you’ve been DEFEATED.


I’m not going to dwell on it any longer than that. I’m just here to say that I’m going to ‘Surrender’ EVERY SINGLE TIME any player puts Reno on the board. Even though it’s at 1 health and I’m at max health and enough of a spell to kill him.

This kind of gameplay is cruel, dirty, dishonest. There is no dignity in the process of creating this type of gameplay. Anyone who agrees to play in this kind of environment is complicit in any kind of cheating. I’m not.

PS: If you gonna reply this to just rage, please save you time and mine. I won’t even bother. I am here only for the ones who will join this movement!


If you try to play paladin against the meme warrior these 2 months: the warrior is absolutely oppressive: they have an answer every single turn to the point of feeling like bullying if you are not mentally prepared that they are simply blatantly overpowered against those decks [small-minion archetypes] [it may NOT be a bad idea if you auto-concede (since those games also take 20 minutes usually)].

On Reno specifically: it’s just a BY DESIGN overpowered card; it appears to be some kind of “signature of the expansion”; I am certain it will be nerfed to the ground though it’s unclear if it will happen immediately at the rotation and not later (to not seem too embarrassing for the Devs allowing that nonsense to exist for so long).

Also I wonder if those who rarely get oppressive-opponent deck-archetypes bought anything in the shop lately.

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yo is op ai generated

Nah it’s someone who opened their eyes to the medic bag meta, without being string enough to beat Houston down no matter how much health he heals from his sippy cup

movement :joy:

This it a top tier thread, bump

the whiz expansion is doa with the op garbage cards from badlands still around.