SummonerKing - unable to play Hearthstone

I also can’t play on mobile and its the only way I can play.I tried reinstaling but it doesn’t work.

Hey there SummonerKing,

I moved this to a new thread since the other one was 11 months old. I noticed that thread was related to disconnects. Are you receiving a disconnect error or something different?

Thanks! We look forward to hearing from you!

I can’t boot either Android or Windows versions. Or rather, it boots, but after a second or two it shuts down. I’ve only tried today, haven’t played in a couple of weeks.

(I have never had this issue before, both my devices are well capable of running HS)

also, no error message whatsoever, basically HS just Alt+F4’s itself

I have the same problem on a galaxy tablet I have cleared cache, cleared data , uninstalled and reinstalled. Still getting the same problem. It starts and once it gets to a point before it actually gets totally open it just poofs.

I don’t get a chance to play,I just load in,wait 3 seconds then game crashes.I was excited to play too since there was a new update and it feels like I’m missing out

There is currently a known issue with Android Devices where it either freezes or crashes on the title screen. We are aware and investigating this issue. If you are experiencing this issue, please refer to the main thread.

Checking OP, it does appear to be an android device, since this issue seems to be tied in with the Android issue. Going to go ahead and close this thread to keep the discussion on the main thread.

If you are experiencing this issue or a different issue on an iOS device or PC/Mac, please create your own thread.