Suggestion for new WILD MODE

Have two modes for Wild

“Open” Wild Mode - the current wild mode with ALL expansions included
“Tiered” Wild Mode - decks are analyzed and the highest “expansion level” used is determined. Players only play against other players with the same “expansion level”, and not play against players that are any higher or lower

This will allow players to basically relive any year they want, and have that experience for the first time, or relive it again.

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that sounds interesting but i personally probably would assume it would have a rather long queue timer for each expansion maybe? they could try it if people want it though

Funily, it could create a stranger situation where a top tier deck from the latest expansion cannot be countered because its counters do not use cards from lest expansions

I’m all for this. It would basically be “Classic” mode reintroduced, except even better because you could play up to any expansion, whenever you enioyed the game the most, it would be available. I don’t even think queue times would be bad…and oh no, had to wait a minute to play instead of 5 seconds? The horror…at least you’d know it’s a game you want to play.


“My suggestion is valid” …like farts and jazz, only those who do it like it :wink:

Interesting idea but some of us still live in the past and cling to lackey decks, I can’t think of anyone else who would willingly go full Dalaran deck wise to even fight with (never mind grand lackey probably bumping me to the galakrond tier in this hypothetical)

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exactly my point! Also lets say I decide to take a break for a while… I can come back and still have the same experience I left with, instead of having to buy cards right away to get caught up with the meta etc… etc…


Me and some long time friends have done exactly this with Magic the Gathering. We’ll go thru our old collections and decide on making casual decks from specific set(s) or a memorable time in the past. I’m all for this.


Hey, you appear to have stolen my name? :thinking:

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