Suggestion for improving triple frost gameplay

triple frost from my experience has several problems.

  1. It has trouble keeping pace with the game board in the first 4 turn of the game quickly falling behind.

  2. it relies on chip damage a lot of the time and there is a lot of burst healing in the game right now which ruins the identity of frost death knight.

  3. it has the identity of mana manipulation and card draw. All it has right now for mana manipulation is horn of winter which is a useful tempo card and cabaret headliner which is an incredible idea for a card, but the stats are all wrong. If you manage to play it on curve that means you can’t paly horizon’s edge so you have lost control of a board in which your fragile units are barely holding onto.

At this point in the game, a deck like secret hunter is running over you like a speed bump or a control deck is getting ready you give you a knock out punch and there is nothing in your arsenal that can make a difference.

Your best combo at card draw is either meltemental + slipery slope on 4 for 2 cards if your taunt survived (usually it doesn’t) or might of menethil + slippery slope + horn of winter is too undependable on turn 4 to take seriously

Changing mining casualties to a holy spell might be a terrible idea given paladins can draw holy cards easily - but then i am not looking at this from a paladin perspective. I’m not sure it would change paladin gameplay much.

remorseless winter is too expensive a card. There are so many better uses for a 4 mana card play.

The deck needs spell damage and armour generation to keep up with this meta.

What else to do you think the deck style needs to keep pace with the current meta?

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i can only speak from Wild experience but it is a fun deck to play but yes it might be weak compared to the meta decks. it does need spell damage i agree. or at least more board presence or something i don’t know.