Sudden Influx of Cheating?

So I’ve noticed over the last couple days there’s been a sudden influx of extremely “lucky” players in battlegrounds. So much luck I’m not convinced it’s luck and not just straight up cheating. We’re talking an entire board of 3 and 4 drops on turn 5 kinds of “luck”. The kinds of boards that just trash yours without any competition at all. I just don’t see how you could have multiple 4 drops that early in the game without cheating somehow? Are they just getting extremely lucky or are they indeed cheating?

Is anybody else having problems like this?

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I’m certain cheating in BG is next to impossible outside of botting, so that player was just ultra lucky.


The problem is I’m seeing this multiple times. Having an insane game occasionally is fine but the level I’m see it at is every game if not every other game. You’d think with the insane amount of “luck” required you’d only see it every now and then not constantly.

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IT’s the new GPchat AI interface that plays for you, I"m guessing.

Not cheating. Just premium accounts with premium "R"NG.

Imagine believing “cheating in BG is next to impossible”

Imagine the low IQ required to believe AI exists

LOL… you really just said that? Okay.

You’re not facing “real” people. You’re facing blizz run bots. The goal is to force a slow grind to highest rankings.

Example…I just had an INSANE game with Hoggar. I’m dominating most of the game. Face Shudder around T10 or so, beat him barely. He’s not even 6 yet, I’ve longed been 6 (although only 1 pirate available at 6, but w/e). Face him again on T13… he’s now a 100% chance to win the game and has somehow managed to accumulate an absolute god board of dragons. In 3 F#$%ing turns??? When does that EVER happen for me when attempting to turn a decent/above average hand into a god hand mid/late game??? NEVER. How often does that happen TO ME though? Literally 2/3 of the time I’m playing a great board.

So yea…20+ dmg to my face. Next turn (despite bubbling my 300 health minion, and doing all I could) and cycling through about 30 gold, he’s still a 100% chance to win the game. Instant concede. No emote responses to all emotes either.

I send a friend invite every time I lose to someone who has gone from a decent hand to a nut draw hand in about 3 or so turns… EVERY SINGLE TIME I GET NO RESPONSE. It’s because I’m facing Blizzard run bots.

Final note. I’m mid to upper 5000s. Average. Past seasons… 6k to 7k. Casual of casuals.

I don’t mind losing like this every now and again… you know, when luck, the way it happens in the real world, falls on my opponents and they hit the nuts. But the absurdity of having it happen so often in BGs just makes the mode completely unfun. This season is the worst yet.

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Oh my goodness! You noticed and mentioned it on the forums?! QUICKLY! Get your passport and get the heck out of dodge before the Actipolice come and round you up with the other exposers who don’t provide any info whatsoever.


What do you think you could get for that rock you live under in this market?

Don’t forget to routinely change your tin foil hat

6-7k is top ~10% And there is stark difference between 6-7k and 1-6k.