Story of a success (Standard) - A positive example

Dear Hearthstone players,

First of all, no one pays me… neither Blizzard or the developer team. I just decided to share my story with you after so many deranking months. There are too many negative things on the forum so I think a positive example may do good for us. I was D5 and above for many-many months. It was a minimal rank for me and worked for it by creating hundreds of decks, because thats how I can enjoy the game… by building my own decks.

So I could hold Diamond rank for a long time, but after Astalor showed up and DK… I have started to lose bonus stars until I had only enough for Gold ranks this month. The main problem was that, I didn’t realize in time the developers killed my tactic by nerfing 40 HP to 35 HP… so I tried too hard for months until realized it won’t work anymore. Finally I could figure out a great tactic again but it was too late… too many weeks passed from the month so I couldn’t get back bonus stars and then the rotation came so my tactic went wrong again. This month I have decided to leave the game if I can’t get back to atleast Platinum 5 and retrive back atleast one of my bonus stars.

Attention please! Don’t compare my results to yours if you were never above Platinum! I believed like many other players that the game is giving mostly unfair opponents and forcing me to lose a lot to block my progress and don’t let me to get back more than one bonus star each month like I could get when climbed the ladder for the first time. But I was wrong… I am not saying anyone can do that… just want to show you it is POSSIBLE to get back your lost bonus stars in one month if you are good enough of course. I can’t show you Replays or something like that because I am not using deck tracker, never did. I can give you only my word and maybe some screenshots but that won’t prove much. I don’t really care if you believe me or not… just understand that, the game is not so unfair and the ladder is not impossible to climb if you have deep knowledge about the meta and learn to defeat it. So that way I want to say I was wrong about the MM and the game.

This month I managed to make my way from Gold 5 to Diamond 5 (It was not easy) and I am really happy with that because reached it by my own deck again, not meta (not aggro and not DK…) these are the two problematic part of the game right now I think… So from now on, I will start to support the game by money too, because I have decided to prepurchase the next expansion for real money because the game really deserves it. Also will buy some character portraits from the shop when the ones will be there I need. :slight_smile: Don’t ask me to share my deck because I didn’t reach it with just only one deck… I had to adjust it many times until reached D5.


Allready suspecious, stopped reading there.

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Ok as you wish… but I can copy paste the main point of my story for you, like it was in the thread “I don’t really care if you believe me or not… just understand that, the game is not so unfair and the ladder is not impossible to climb if you have deep knowledge about the meta and learn to defeat it. So that way I want to say I was wrong about the MM and the game.” That was the point… I have posted many things about the game beeing unfair and controlled… I still think that is true partly… but want to appologize for my harsh behavior, thats all.

How refreshing to not read blizz bash. This rounds on me bartender.


I hope Blizzard’s devs get exactly what comes out of my mouth every time I see even a youtube video about hearthstone :joy: … If there is a God one by one they will get it eventually :slight_smile:

reading such a post, when there are thousands of testimonials from former programmers that all these games including hearthstone have nothing random (no “discover” is random) but everything is oriented to study the psychology of players to induce them to spend, I it seems like a delusion from someone who works within the company and fears a near total collapse, especially if a game were to arrive where everything becomes truly random and the games are not pre-ordered before even starting as when you play in real

Yes, I know what do you mean… I didn’t say the game is not controlled partly… I think it is in about 50%… thats how they keeps your win rate about 50%… (Other players needs to go up too you know…) But you need to use your brain to win the other 50% you can… :slight_smile: ONLY then you will be able to rank up… IF you are good enough. The only thing I wanted to say, it is POSSIBLE to climb the ladder if you have the skills and learn from your mistakes. I was really dissapointed when started to lose my hard earned bonus stars one by one… but last month… I managed to get back all of them so I wanted to make a positive example for others and give them some motivational power, that was all about… but I see it is no use because most of players are rather sinking in the ocean of negativity and whining for nerfs then learning to play. So this is where I have stoped such posts, every one live happily ever after. GL & HF

EDIT: I have changed my mind. I wanted to support them by some money, but won’t prepurchase because it is hell expensive and I can’t support an MM system which is giving the same unfair enemy class and build 3 or more times in one row sometimes… That is just not fair and not fun. I always keep my word… but this time, I won’t… I will buy only a Tavern Pass but not more.