Stop with the "win condition" cards!

I’ve been playing Hearthstone for 3.5 years. Conceptually I love the game, but last summer I stopped playing for 6 months because I got sick of playing the same stupid decks over and over. When I first started playing, the “power” cards were Dr. Doom, Ysera, and the like. Powerful cards, for sure, but nothing that permanently or disproportionately changed the game. Yes, there were some things like the warrior and druid “OTK” decks, but Blizzard was pretty good about fixing those before too long. There were also only one or 2 board clear cards per class and they were typically only 2-3 damage. Deck building, synergies, and in-game strategy ruled the day. Then, at some point, Blizzard decided to create “win condition” cards. It started with C’thun and then morphed into death knight heroes, “if your deck is empty” cards, and other things that either automatically win the game outright, create a 95%+ win probability on your next turn, or permanently skew the game in your favor. This completely ruins the game in multiple ways. 1) It magnifies the impact of luck… I got mine first so I win!, 2) it almost entirely eliminates variation in the game… there are 1-2 flavors for each Hero so you’re always playing the same decks over and over, and because so many people play those cards, it forces everyone else to play them as well, and 3) it absolutely removes any and all skill from the game… I will just keep board clearing, healing, adding shields, etc until I get my “win condition” card and then I’ll win. A lot of these decks are honestly not even that good, but because of the luck factor, they’ll win some decent amount of time just because they got their card exactly on the 7-10 drop. PLEASE STOP creating super powerful hero cards, “win condition” cards, and any other card that either wins the game outright, makes it all but assured you’ll win on the next turn, or permanently changes the balance of the game. Let’s get back to creating synergy decks like those made possible with Goblins and Gnomes, Un Goro, and other cards that promote creativity, variety, and skill. I started playing again 2 months ago and am about ready to stop again because I’m tired of having the game all but won only for them to play Dr. Boom Mad Genius, Zul’jin, Chef Nomi, or the like. Please take the game back to the great game it started out to be!


You mean, nobody complained about ysera, ragnaros and dr. boom? Sorry, I remember something different.


Agreed. Win Conditions should be a combination of good minion trades, life management, removal, and damage to your opponent, not a card that is a IWin button.


Oh no, I’m sure they did… it just further proves my point. At that time, those cards, which by today’s standards are not particularly strong, were viewed as too powerful… but now, wouldn’t even register. As a matter of fact, we now have a card that costs the same as Ragnoros, but not only summons Ragnaros but also a 4/4 minion. And, if you combine with another card, can summon 2 Ragnaros’. And even that card is mild compared to some of the DK/Hero cards and other game enders. Blizzard has compared the game to a creative and fantasy based card game along the lines of chess… They had achieved that goal until they started creating these “win condition” cards. They need to go back to that as that is what made it fun and different. Now, it the same 10-12 games over and over and over again…with luck being the ultimate decider much more often than skill.


There is not, nor have there ever been, nor shall there ever be, single cards that one can play that will instantly win them the game.

Have you ever played an OTK deck? I don’t believe you have. Or else you would understand the skill that goes into it.

Can I play this card? I only have one left if I do. And if I have to play both cards my combo is broken. Can I still win without my combo? What if my opponent plays aggro, can I still win? I will have to very carefully manage my cards, getting the maximum value out of every single card, every single turn. Playing a good combo deck is actually quite insane, really.

I actually stay away from OTK decks. Too much can go wrong. I prefer to play midrange type decks myself, but will play aggro if OTK gets too far out of control.

Winning is fun for me. So I will do what I must do to obtain wins. Even if that means I have to play an OTK deck.

Which makes me wonder, what are you doing?


Winning is fun for most people. The difference the OP is pointing out is how this victory is achieved. Most people want to win because they felt they played skillfully and victory reflected their prowess in the game not some cheap IWin button card.


This game has become a garbage, just don’t take it serious. I agree that there are very stong cards and breaks the fun of the game. I remember playing this game once it released and it was very cool game, because you had to think better for your move in order to take one more damage to the opponent that it will be usefull later on. Now we have cards that destroying all board or summoning 5 minions with 6-6 adn this is really ridiculous. There is no brain skill now. Everyone now has a combo to kill the opponent in one turn, even if he is at full health. This is just stup1d. It’s all about who gets first the “winning cards”, no brain at all. Even if you play perfect and you have board control for 15 minutes, then they can draw a card that destroying everything or summon 4 taunts with 7-8. Sadly this game is really garbage now. Everyone using the same decks that they see in internet, because “that deck can make them pro”, when actually most of them are just noob kids that don;t even know the cards but they just paid for some packs to create a premade deck. Just deal with it, blizzard only cares for money. The best option is to quit playing in my opinion, as i will do it pretty soon to be honest.


thats a huge wall of text

so which card released in the last expansion is this rant about ?

when people make "no more x card "threads is usually because they lost to a new card or deck in the current meta

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It’s actually not about any cards in the last expansion (although there probably are some)… it’s been building for a long time. As noted in the original post, it’s any card that immediately wins or permanently skews the game. The original was C’Thun, but once the other expansions came out that year and there was an expanded card set, C’Thun actually became a bit of a joke. Next was the Jade cards… again, certain decks were no problem, but if you liked to play a control deck, you just couldn’t beat a Jade deck consistently. Then there were the DK’s and the other Hero cards that permanently tip the balance in one players direction. To certain styles of play, these cards are irrelevant, but anyone that likes to play a 10-15 round “chess match”, they ruin the game by over emphasizing luck, reducing the necessary skill, and all but eliminating deck variation.


but most of the cards you are talking about are win conditions you build over time and/ or you have to build your entire deck around

those are fine

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If they were fine, then how come they’re in basically every single deck? You basically won’t see a Warrior deck without Dr. Boom Mad Genius, about 80% of Warlock decks were Bloodreaver Guldan, 90% of Mage decks were Frost Lich Jaina, and not only that, because they’re so formulaic, you play against those decks more often because they’re go-to decks of unskilled players. I’m not saying these decks “can’t be beat”… I’m saying they shouldn’t exist because they reduce variety, overemphasize the role of luck in determining the winner (did or did not get “x” card), and reduces the need for skill… just follow the formula.


welcome to card games

building win conditions is pretty normal and they are fine even if you need to do it card by card

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Every card game has luck… good card games have luck as an randomizer or aspect of the skill… E.g. Gin vs Go Fish. In Gin, the luck is part a small part of the game and plays into the decisions based on probabilities, etc… Go fish has very little strategy and tons of luck. I’d much rather play Gin than Go Fish… and these cards make it into Go Fish.


I agree with MetalX. There really isn’t single cards that will win a game. Mechathune for instance. Against fast decks that burn you down from early in the match mechathune isn’t much help. Yes under the right circumstances one card can make a difference BUT there’s always another card you must play first in addition to staying alive to reach that win condition IF you do.

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You guys aren’t getting it… No one ever said they couldn’t be beat. No one ever said the decks are too powerful. I said certain cards ruin the game… the cards are OP. They show up WAY too often, they make for boring games, they reduce variety in the game. Aren’t you tired of playing the same 10-12 decks every time? All of your arguments prove my point more… “you have to build your deck around it”… Yes, you do… which means you play against the same decks OVER and OVER. How many warrior decks do you play right now that don’t have Dr. Boom Mad Genius, or Druid Decks that don’t have The Forest’s Aid, or Warlock decks the last 2 years that didn’t have Deathreaver Guldan? I’m not saying these cards make for unbeatable decks, I’m saying they ruin the game for many reasons. Variety, skill, and just enough luck to mix things up is what make the game great… these cards ruin all of those things.


you are not getting the point, what’s not fun for you is fun for me. That’s my motivation for spending money in the game, thus feeding the community that you prey on.

20 characters.

So what is the problem?

One: Just wait until the next expansions.
Two: If Warrior gets ruined by one class, so be it, Warrior can’t own everything, or else warrior will be too OP and need nerfs.
Three: Like with Warriors, there are ways to beat them. They are not so OP as they need to be nerfed or even removed.

There was always something, there is something and there will always be something, with you, no doubt.

The meta does not adapt to you. You adapt to the meta. Get it through your cranium.

Your premise is ridiculous and ignores the fact that there is no one end all to be all deck.

That is what you want. You want one deck to end them all. You don’t even realize you are doing it, clearly.

Listen, and listen close. If you build to defeat a combo deck, which is what Mecha 'Thun is, you are going to get beat by a whole bunch of other decks. Okay, but that ruins your win rate, because while some people are running decks like that, it is not every match. So you choose instead to beat everyone else, and in doing so you wind up losing to combo decks again.

See how this works? You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Also, you even admit yourself in another post that the variety in decks is slim right now. Additionally, you admit that the cause is because we are short on cards we have available to us. Also, in admitting these things, as a result, you also admit that you know things will get better.

Currently, you are in an argument using a stance that cannot win. Like with the game, I suggest you change your stance or else losing will still be something that comes of this thread. But really, I think that is real problem here. You just aren’t learning.

True its called the built in autopilot deck dealing. I got a Priest - hmm what are all Priest playing? I bet its the Silence big minions - make copy with a spell deck hoping to pull the trigger on a double health inner fire deck. Les mulligan for Brawl and or execute. Neither - this is going to be hard.

Yep turn 2 there it is the Ancient Watcher. Followed n turn 3 with the Arcane Watcher. Looks like the algorithm is right on track today. Take one out with a slam and turn produces the next card in sequence play Unsleeping Soul. Yep. No taunts. Brawl or Execute yet. Now the Blademasters with 0 cost circle of healing. Not looking too good. 2 turns later was able to cut his side in half but then there it was the old double health inner fire.

All it talks is knowing how the Ai deals out cards most often every game. You can relay on it, make bets on it - definitely builds your decks by it knowing the cards will be there. And VICTORY!

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