Stop taking damage from dead players in Battleground

Dear Blizzard, please remove taking damage point from dead players in Battleground. At least make us invulnerable against dead players when comes to facing them. Thank you.


Queueing into a dead player is already a major advantage for that round, why would they buff it to be even better?


While we are at it, can we regain health we lost when facing dead players? lol

The most hilarious thing happened to me in season 2 relating to this.
I duo queued with a friend, and he wasn’t doing well. He makes a tarecgosa + promo drake board, but he dies the next turn his board was complete.

Well, I’m still alive, and some turns later I fight his dead board. His tarecgosas were beefy. Got the whole divine shields, huge dragons that kept buffing themselves every turn, the works. While the combat is going I notice players were dieing to this while fighting it on previous turns.

My friend is watching me, in person, over my shoulder. He watches me die to his board with a big smile on his face. He is cleaning up the whole lobby from the grave.

It was awesome, we still laugh about it.

I have had the same thing happen when I play alongside my buddy at his place. He will often get eliminated before I do however his boards tend to be of the snowballing scheme so even after he dies he will sit back and watch the ongoing deaths to his ghost. I call him a necromance winner.

Side note: Since we were children (roughly around 11 or 12 circa ~1998) playing starcraft 1 on our less than pentium 1 pcs together over a home lan via dial up modems, he has always been one for not shying away from team killing me. We would be on the same side up until the last possible minute in a regular 2v2 or 4v4 or whatever, when he would un ally me and become hostile to me. Without any idea this was happening and while I still had him allied, he was destroying me when I couldnt respond in any way as I didnt know this was even a setting to toggle let alone where to find it. So obviously from a young age I learned that no one can be trusted, ever, under any circumstance, for anything, especially in a game, and especially in real life by a “best friend”. I have never let him live this down and whenever he necromance wins and takes me out I will say with such disdain and stifled laughter, “You Team Killing MFer…again!!!”

This PTSD I have of him team killing me out of nowhere has made it to where Hearthstone BGs is the only game I will play against him anymore, as even though we are teamed up we arent allied so i can expect his sudden but inevitable betrayal. lol