Stop joining BATTLESGROUND DUO just to drop out!

Title says it all. Seems to happen more often lately. Is there a reason for it?

Some players are doing quests and need a specific tribe of minions.

I quit several times as well because I needed for example Naga.

You cant “tough it out” for the sake of the “meaningless” player chosen to partner with you?

Oh, you are talking about Duos? I’m talking about the regular Battlegrounds mode. You didn’t mention Duos.

So sorry. Yes duos. Whew i was gonna get ugly. Lol

you got a “play naga in duos” quest ? seems too specific

I did not. I’m talking about the regular Battlegrounds quests.

Those are like “Play 30 Pirates or Naga”.

  • Plays duos with randoms
  • Also cares about MMR

Seems like bad combination