Stop clearing the cache on exit/crash

i want to be able to report the people who are using drop hacks and i can’t do that when i get timed out/auto-loss trying to reconnect when cheaters get away with no repercussions … an easy fix (if you cannot stop drop hacks from occurring) is to NOT clear the “recent” cache after the game client closes … restoring the “recent” cache upon the next entry into the game would allow people using drop hacks at the end of a long intense game to snipe wins to finally get called out and maybe you devs can actually tackle an important problem instead of banning real players for being “bots”


The “drop hacks” are race conditions that blizzard should fix, but never will. Your client is waiting for an event which has already been passed over.

The game has instead been “fixed” with wait delays and animation timers. Since these are not real fixes, when your opponent is running a modified client that skips animations, you will be subject to him bypassing the delays and a desync on your client.

Do not ever expect these to be fixed. It would require the rewrite of the game engine, which they have already declined to pay for.

This isn’t a thing. You made this up and there’s absolutely no proof of this whatsoever. Seriously go outside dude

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if this is true i still want to report it because it is in effect the same thing as a drop hack, and i’ve played this game enough to know when i’m experiencing something shady where the other person is getting to a place where they are going to lose a long fought game and then somehow i magically get dropped so they get a free win … so even if they never fix whatever the cause(s) happen to be, they can at least reload the “recent” cache so that those accounts can get properly reported

If the only skin you have in the game, is your own personal ego/feels, then you really ought to put this into perspective: that other guy is SO FOCUSED on winning something LITERALLY pointless, that they CHEAT to get the win. That says more on them, than it ever will on you, and getting maldy about gives them “troll satisfaction” and they deserve NO satisfaction. So just play something else until you stop tilting, then come back.

If you ARE invested though, via money or streaming views or whatever, that’s a different story BUT you should also have video proof (due to the streaming, or the live audiences at the tourney) in order to turn their butts in.

So either way, just stop caring so much and your QoL both in-game and IRL will improve dramatically.

but it seems like a simple fix to just allow people to report by keeping the recent list intact … they already have a report option so why not ask for keeping the recent list intact … i don’t understand the pushback on this suggestion

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Go look up the warrior card nellie.

It is a simple fix. Unfortunately that is entirely irrelevant, because even though:

The fact of the matter is:

Therefore when you act nonplussed, you get pushback because it was already explained very succinctly.

For the record, I’m not against your suggestion. If it had a non-zero chance of being implemented I’d be liking the post and sharing or subscribing or whatever the kids call it these days. You’d get all the heart reacts from me.

It DOESN’T have a non-zero chance of being implemented, though. Therefore complaining about it can be cathartic, but ultimately futile in changing the root issue. Your perspective / reaction TO the root issue needs to change if you want to have a non-negative outcome from this.

this is a huge non-sequitur … i didn’t ask for a fix for the drop hack in the op (tho i do wish for it) … i asked for the ability to report after the client gets closed by retaining the “recent” cache which is not what fireseal was talking about regarding a rewrite of the game engine … again that seems like a simple update and one that enables the non-zero chance of figuring out how to fix the problem by adding data to be studied regarding the issue (and maybe some bans given their recent anti-bot crusade) … your “logic” about “change my mind that a problem is a problem” is absurd and the least likely thing to garner any push toward desired change, so no thank you, how about having a better attitude toward lobbying for meaningful changes


I meant no offense. Have a great rest of your life.

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Yes !

I agree with that.

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Just had a game crash after my “opponent” sent a friend request. Which, I know, I know NEVER accept friend requests but thought they were one of the cool ones. Nope. Player made threats about trying to find where I live, wished death upon me - lol like that ever works - but went to report this player and game crashed. Luckily, had a friend observing the match and linked me the name with his number. Don’t know if MicroActiBliz will do anything about this.