Made a similar post a month ago about the pre-miniset meta. Compared it to some other atrocious metas throughout hearthstone’s lifespan. Forum is full of posts like mine nowadays - complaining about the powercreep, begging for nerfs etc. Its a vicious cycle that the only actual solution to stabilize standard mode is the rotation ( which is one month away).
I came to the obvious conclusion that blizzard cares more about the income than the health of their game. They wont ever ban or rotate early problematic cards, for business purposes (prince shaffar is an exception,I dont remember something getting banned day 1 of a release). Rotation is what somewhat resets the pool, since it butchers archetypes from their overpowered cards. Thing is, if they mess up in the very next expansion of the year after the reset, it’s always going to doom what’s following. The expansions following have to match or overcome the powercreep of the previous one in order to be successful. That happened in 2018,2020,2021,2023 with witchwood, ashes, barrens and festival respectively.
Came back in hearthstone once again, but I really dont find myself staying much longer again. It has a soft spot nonetheless, but after a while I am realising I could have spent my time somewhere else where I could have a much better time. I hate nostalgia and the thought what this game used to be. Game is 10 years old now and it’s logical not having the same spark as it used to. On the contrary, mtg is 30 years old and still going strong. I really dont see that happening with hearthstone, if they keep handling hs like a cashtrap gimmicky game with no real future.
That being said, I am actually enjoying the miniset much more than pre-miniset game state, just because its board heavy and interactive no matter the issues. 2023 pool is rotating in a month and taking with it many disgusting unhealthy guys. Unfortunately, it is most likely they screw up immediately once more and to be honest that’s only human. They really need to limit the expansions per year to 2 or even 1 (with a larger card set every time but with more time playtesting them) for the shake of a healthy card pool, as it seems they are unable or have no time balancing the game.
The real question is - Do they care about making hearthstone a serious card game once again or they prefer to just leave it be and grab as much bucks as possible with minimum effort till it dies out completely?
Its not even a question, clearly they’re happy to milk it for as much cash as they can. Although why anyone would spend real money on this game of chance is beyond me.
I don’t think they care anymore. Nothing new is getting added to the game, and they are continually cutting content. I truly believe they are just riding this until the wheels fall off at this point. When the game is considered dead by their standards, they’ll go into a maintenance stage for standard, wild and bg’s and then reroute 90% of the HS team to whatever new project they want them working on. I’m pretty sure we are within a year or two from them just being in a ‘maintenance’ stage. The fact they had to bring Starcraft into the ‘universe’ of Hearthstone doesn’t speak well for their creative group. The fact they can’t balance these cards before release shows even more problematic issues. Yes, they react quicker now, but each expansion seems to have more and more nerfs or banned cards.
Been playing since beta, loved the game, but it has quickly diminished in quality.
Only having one expansion a year would kill the game. The meta gets too stale for too long. In fact minisets were added to the game because 3 expansions weren’t enough. Between each expansion the player count dropped significantly.
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Do you really think they react quicker? It seems we go weeks or even months before they address problems that existed right out of the gate. Then, they make buffs to cards that don’t make any sense
The current meta seems to be oops all aggro or build starship win game. There are literally only like four decks being played in standard with the occasional outlier and you can usually tell whether it’s worth continuing a match after three turns or so. “Darn it you played rock. I was playing scissors. I guess we’re done here”
I still play the game as a pastime but it’s hard to take it seriously anymore and it’s definitely not worth spending money on
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Cards are very cheap to make up to their mechanics (not art), because it takes one or two dudes number-crunching on a computer. The most expensive part is the Artists that make the graphics that go with the and other such wrappings.
I estimate that the game doesn’t need more than around 10 developers to have the 6 releases every year, most of the other costs are marketing.
Looking at it big picture, since the game came out over 10 years ago, yes they do react quicker to nerfing or buffing cards. It isn’t as quickly as the players would like (even I agree with that sentiment) but they only wait 2 - 3 weeks now instead of a month or two. What I don’t like is like you said, they just push cards out, and then go, Oh we have to fix it. The most recent mini-set they immediately banned a card, and admitted that they knew he was going to be a problem with this set, but released the set as is anyway! They don’t care anymore, so why should we?
for me a colossal scam of planetary proportions, every event is managed by algorithms and nothing is random, everything is linked to what you do and how much and if you pay, everything focused on maximizing Blizzard’s profits
Or, you’re not the best player in the world, and sometimes you lose.
Compared to the early state where undertaker was dictating the meta for over a year, yes they react quicker. The way they nerf though is ridiculous and pointless. They just gut the big bad guy and afterwards the next one is taking its place. It’s more about replacing an obnoxious meta with an other one so people dont get bored and less about balancing.
They must have hit a nerve for mr. 6000 posts to attack someones 7th ever post lmao.
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Your priorities are bizarre if you get jealous of someone’s post count on a video game forum.
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I clarified the parameters for 1-2 expansions per year. Currently they print 150 cards which is a very small amount compared to yugioh ans mtg sets. If they triple the amount printed and drop a couple of updates it wouldnt get stale trust me. Nobody asked for multiple expansions let alone minisets, they only asked for a bigger amount of content. It is just another blizzard’s crafts to milk the players’ wallets. You want to tell me that they manage to produce, program, art, market and drop the current miniset in a month? Of course not. They are just splitting their content for more value on their part.
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And I find elitism in a childrens video game forum bizarre. But maybe were both wrong in our assumptions.
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I agree with this statement. Artificial Intelligence is the big buzzword right now but it’s been around for at least a decade. Point being NOTHING IS RANDOM, there is no RNG but everything is run on algorithms from the Stock Market to matchmaking in games like this. In China the top ranked players of Hearthstone all use exploits because they know matching making uses a bogus algorithm system.
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you won’t win this game. I am absolute.
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Play against a solitaire protoss mage who just plays a few protoss spells then colossal’s you and your board for 24 damage, then tell me this mini set is interactive
I don’t think your mage opponent played A FEW spells if that colossus dealt 24 damage.
Stop impersonating me from new accounts.
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I don’t know fellas. Are mini sets supposed to make decks from the previous meta completely irrelevant?
It’s really starting to feel like blizzard is super strapped for cash with these ridiculous cosmetics and a mini set that you have to buy if you want to remain competitive in standard
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