Start nerfing Warrior Brann asap

I hope you dont take 1+ year to do it devs.


Brann/Boomboss = otk/control hybrid decks dead = rainbow mage dead

And then you will complain about the warlock, the druid, the dh, the paladin.

You have way too much powercreep, this game is just a paradise for the mentally handicapped (full face mode).

Phen I love how all your posts call for the Nerf for every card/deck that counters you. You post almost on the daily. But the real question I have is … WHy don’t you post on your Phen account anymore? You did the exact same thing with your almost daily short sentence nerf posts. Why not just keep posting under Phen? We all know its you.

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You are trying to be readed for devs…
Man… there is no devs behind
There are dumbs…
How do you explain this … once ago brann was banned… and now they put an infinite brann???
Do you still think they are devs???


so the deck isnt that good

confirmed by the fact leo asked for a nerf for it (hes isnt known for asking for top tier decks to be nerfed)

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I play bran highlander and regular warrior… the deck needs a buff more than a nerf. It’s not even a tier 2 deck. Bran is easily predictable and can be countered by just giving your opponent cards like plague or neutral snake oils. And if they don’t draw bran they are pretty much dead since it requires perfect win conditions to set off the combo. By the time you have those win conditions you opponent is already popping off as well.

Last bran require a trade off of no duplicates. You make bran useless or cause them lose bran then they are at a huge disadvantage against you.

Before Dragon Druid or Buff Paladin…sure.

I hope you do not work at Bliz and you are just a fanboy. Although if you worked at Bliz that would explain a lot about the state of the game

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the guy has asked for pretty much everything ingame to be nerfed includingcards like the mage titan or mailbox dancer