Standards gone wild

What the heck is up with all these cards from the past? It’s rediculous! I just finished a STANDARD game, and lost because my opponenet played out two Lothmar’s followed by a King Crush. Those cards were rotated out for a reason, and should STAY OUT of standard!

The games has enough issues with RNG, Discover, OTK and turn 3 aggro kills, it doesn’t need this idea added to the probem. Seriously, We’re looking down at a toilet that’s all backed up right now. The water’s flowing over the lip and the floor is ‘squishy’ because it’s been let go for so long. Do your REALLY want to add more crap to it?

Whoever is in charge around the hearthstone office really needs to be let go, because they obviously don’t know what they are doing. They’ve ruined the game.


Standard has always been a subset of Wild, therefore it’s normal for it to be as chaotic as Wild.

I’m curious. WHY were they rotated out according to you?

For balance reasons. No way they were rotated because people weren’t buying new packs and use new win conditions :clown_face:

These are what I’m asking for. Could you list the reasons?

:clown_face: <— You dropped this. I don’t need it.

I don’t think you understand how rotation works.