Standard Weapon Removal Adjustment - Shaman Frog

While viper is a needed card, I was wondering if nerfing it to a flat durability removal would be best? Currently it makes DocHollidae sad to play because a neutral card makes it go poof (a card you have to build your deck around).

It also made 10 mana Ignis weapon feel bad as well.

I think it needs to exist but what about nerfing it to 3 durability removal?

Disagree. Viper is definitely needed in the meta as it is. Remember you have to sacrifice deck slots for it, even if it’s trade-able.


Sure, but at 3 durability removal it would still hamper weapons as intended without completely obliterating unique weapons like the frog staff. It would still lower the impact of the frog staff as well.

Counter point, is there any other singleton “reward” that is countered so easily? Yes, Reno removals druid nest, but Reno means you have to run a singleton deck as well.

In wild there are about 7 different neutral cards that can destroy your opponent’s weapon. I think we should have access to at least one in standard. Using a spot in your deck to have a viper “just in case” is enough of a cost to make the value of destroying a weapon justifiable.

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You couldn’t justify some cards/weapons in Constructed if you took away the Viper’s ability to destroy a weapon outright.

Edit: When you think about it, Viper is one of the best cards the game has gotten. Good stats for the cost, Tradeable and flexible Mana cost. It’s a great tech card, and I wish we had more tech cards just like it, well-balanced.

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in a scam game where everything is manipulated, every discovery is not random, every game has an unbalanced rng on one of the two players, where everything is under the control of blizzard which manages the balancing of the game and the imbalance in favor of whoever uses algorithms pays by making life difficult especially in the paid modes for those who only use gold to buy tickets (all things that any insider will be able to confirm to you, whoever talks to you knows), talk about problems with weapons?!?

What kind material is the bridge you live under made of?