Standard Play Concerns

Hi there. I have been enjoying HS for many years and I rarely visit the forums to post concerns. But, lately I have been wondering what is going on with standard mode. I can’t recall an expansion that has caused so much frustration.

There are so many issues. OTK’d at full health while my opponent has an empty board, losing to Wheel Of Death because I was playing a control deck, and many others.

But, the design that has me completely baffled revolves around the Boomboss Tho’grun card. This battlecry can be triggered multiple times by using other combo cards. From briefly looking at some of the recent posts, it’s a known issue, and there was a failed attempt to fix it.

I can’t help but to wonder, is there a new design team? Can we have some of that old magic back when the game was enjoyable? I don’t know if this will fall on deaf ears, but my fingers are crossed for a game I’ve loved for so long.

Naxxramas, Grand Tournament, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan etc, the list can and will go on.

You’ll get used to it. There’s a first time for everything.

It will.

I’m sure you’re still going to play no matter what happens.