Standard packs earned now, opened after expansion

I usually save my standard card packs earned from Tavern Brawl and other events that grant card packs when an expansion is announced. This is so that once it is released, I can open the packs and hope to get new cards, whereas if I open them now, it will most likely be useless. Since standard is rotating with the new expansion, is it still worth holding on to them? Will the card packs that I’m saving now be from the new standard if I open them after release or when they were earned?

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After the rotation you will recieve cards from the standard format. So it is worth it to save those packs. You won’t recieve the cards which have then rotated into Wild.


Standard packs always contain cards that are legal in the current standard format at the time they are opened. It doesn’t matter when you received them.


Your post is very weird because you already say what happens on the 1st sentence. Do you imply “I want to ask if it changed this time”? No (I haven’t seen anything) and I hope not.

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Upcoming expansion will be a big garbage, you have some who hope that this will change but no, the game will always be the same (still as stupid, still as full face).

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I figured that he thought that set rotation (taking cards out of standard instead of adding them) might be an issue.

I suppose he’s checking to see whether standard packs obtained during the year of the wolf will always contain YotW cards, or whether they will contain cards form the standard format of the new year when it begins.

Anyhoo… standard packs are not “Year of the [whatever]” packs.

There used to be “year of the [whatever]” packs, but I haven’t seen any for a while. Its possible that they have been replaced by Catch-up packs, but I think they disappeared before that.

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You’re right catch-up packs may be the replacement, because they are literally “year of”-type packs[or maybe “Era of”-type]. They have that weird diminishing-return mechanic added to them but I wonder if it will survive the test of time (though I doubt it will be removed this time already).

I can’t believe that your criticism of this game was blocked. Are the defenders of this game so delusional that they can’t stand to see someone say that Hearthstone is a dumpster fire? :rofl:

Even if the game sucked, you are completely off topic. Go make a thread specifically about that; why contaminate someone else’s thread; they talk about a specific feature with packs and don’t care to debate the future of Microsoft the Universe and Everything.